Chapter 15; All Around Me Part 2

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--- 4 days prior to present time ---

The crickets chirped in a ethereal rhythm that consoled every nerve in (Y/n)'s body. She breathed in the frosty yet refreshing air, looking up at the twinkling sky.

She was sitting with her back against a large tree, alone underneath the night sky.

She could hear a few horses neighing in unison inside the stables. So she sat up, her arm resting over her knee. The horses continued to make noises, so she stood up to investigate.

Walking over, her shoes trampled the weeds that surrounded the garden. Peeking her head in the stable, she saw nothing but an empty walkway between the two sides of the stable. The horse's that were awake snorted, frightening (Y/n) slightly.

She sighed, holding her hand to her heart. Who was out here at this hour?

Then she looked closer, and near the back of the stable, she spotted a figure rummaging around.


The figure turned to look up at her. "Oh, (Y/n)."

She walked up to him, letting out a breath of relief, glad it wasn't someone trying to steal anything. Well, not that there was anything useful in the stables, anyway.

"What're you doing out here at this hour?" She asked him, who stood holding a bucket of water.

"I felt a bit restless, so I figured I'd come and nurture my horse for the next expeditions."

"What about you?" He then turned to ask her, his eyes searching for a reply. (Y/n) shrugged. "I suppose I just needed some fresh air, I couldn't sleep."

"I see." Levi looked over to his horse, raising the bucket up to it's mouth. "There you go," he gently stroked the top of its head as it slurped up the water. 

Once the horse had finished, Levi put the bucket neatly back where he got it, and walked back up to (Y/n).

"Would you like to join me on a midnight stroll?" He offered considerately. He waited on her response.

With a peaceful smile, she nodded.


The two of them had made their way over to a empty and wonderfully beautiful field. The grass was up to their knees, and sunflowers grew in every direction. The moon radiated a elegant light that covered trees of the forest nearby.

Levi stepped into the field first, sticking his hand out to her, offering to help her over a small hill he had stepped over.

She chuckled, taking his hand tenderly.

Both of them stepped deeper into the field, getting lost in the sea of grass that surrounded every direction.

"This place is... Just amazing," she gaped. She was unaware of Levi's soft and compassionate stare.

"I found it, while looking for that horse that had escaped so long ago," he informed her.

"You mean the day of the storm?" She asked him, turning back to face him.

"Yeah, back then," he looked up towards the stars, and so did (Y/n).

"I meant to thank you," she abruptly blurted out. "For finding me that day, and carrying me back to my room after I'd idiotically gotten lost."

"You knew?" Levi took his gaze off the starry sky and onto her face.

"Of course I did," she kept her eyes on the sky. "I felt comfort that day when the strange figure came to rescue me, the very same comfort ive always felt around you."

"It was painfully obvious too, especially since you had such a worried look on your face."

Levi blinked in alarm. "I... Wasn't exactly worried," he shifted away.

"Hey, that just hurts my heart!" She teased. Levi met his eyes with hers. "Well, i was, it's just..."

"I get it, I was only teasing," she reassured him kindly.

Both of them sat in silence for awhile, before Levi spoke again.

"You're really planning on heading back on the frontlines again soon?"

(Y/n) hesitated. "Yeah, I am."

Levi tilted his head down. "..."

"I know you think ill just get in everyone's way, but im serious when I tell you that I'm a skilled fighter and I'm practically already healed, so please, don't try to stop me."

"I won't," he answered. (Y/n) hadn't expected him to agree so fast.

"Just, promise me, (Y/n)," he locked his fingers with hers, bringing her hands up inches away from his lips.

"You won't die."

He bent down on one knee, kissing the top of her hand lovingly, sending a thrilling chill up her arm. "Im afraid of loosing you, like everyone else," she could faintly hear the remnants of pain in his voice, sympathy pouring out of her. "So... Don't die," he begged.

His desperate tone was new to her, something she had most definitely never expected. "I... I promise."

He rose to his feet, keeping eye contact with the girl who stood ever so still in front of him.


He placed his lips upon hers, pulling her into a passionate kiss. One of his arms were wrapped around her waste, the other hand caressing her cheek as he kissed her.

When he pulled away, his blue gaze pierced into (Y/n)'s wide eyes. Had this really just happened?

Yes, yes it had.

She pulled him in for another kiss, their hands entwining together. When they pulled away, his face was suddenly full of uncertainty and fear.

"Levi?" She worriedly held him in a tight hug, pulling him close. "What's wrong?" 

He hid his face in her shoulder, inaudible mumbling a few words. His arms held her even tighter against his body. He then untucked his face, his words now audible to the human ear.

"I'm afraid," his words shocked (Y/n) immensely. "Afraid?"

He then seriously looked at her after pulling out of her arms, sorrow filling his eyes.

"If I were to loose you like everyone else, I dont know how id..." He cut himself off with a sigh. "Forget it."

Shes grabbed his shoulder shen he tried to walk away, pulling him back to face her.

"I'm not everyone else, Levi," her words were full of hope. "Im me, and you're you, this world holds a certain fate for everyone."

She placed her hands on his face, sandwhiching his cheeks together. "I promise you..."

"That I'll stay by your side forever."

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