Moving Day

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George inhaled and exhaled, clutching his suitcase handle with sweaty hands. Could this be it? Could he finally get away from all of the heartache he receives at his parents' house?


*at george's new apartment*
George shakes with nervousness as he rummages around for his apartment keys. For a second, he can't find them and he starts to panic, but he sighs of relief when he finally finds them in his pocket.

He's shaking so much it takes him 3 tries to even get the key in the keyhole, and it takes a lot of power out of his weak hand to even unlock it.

He finally gets it and pushes open the door. He's hit with a warm wave of Florida air, calming his senses. George likes to be warm, and so far Florida temperatures have kept him cozy, indoors and out. His apartment complex is just the right temperature, and the air conditioning keeps it perfect at all times.

He finally takes his first step into his new home, pre-furnished.

It's about time. I'm finally free. George thinks, entering the room.

He checks out all the rooms and opens the drawers like a giddy child just arriving at the hotel on vacation. He's been here before, it's nothing surprising, but somehow, it still feels new to him.

George puts away his suitcase and clothes, making adjustments to the rooms here and there. He already feels at home in the warm air, surrounded by strong walls. He's got a tiny, small balcony that barely fits a chair, but it's almost his favorite part of the apartment— right next to his huge bookshelf.

He's always been a bookworm, but his mom never really bought him books. He had to pay for his own library card (mind you, he didn't get allowance ever despite the amount of chores that he partook in). He walks over to the bookshelf, feeling a smile creep up on his face.

He's worked hard for this bookshelf, for this collection. It paid off in the end, though.

He takes a long glance at it and then fingers through the books as if he hasn't read them all already. The ones on the top shelf are his favorites, the ones he never gets tired of.

The shelves are like a ranking system for George, keeping him in line with his favorites and his not-so-
favorites. George knows they're all good books anyways though.

Suddenly, it hits him. He needs new books. A new, fresh start deserves some new reads.

George whips out his phone and searches up how far away that library that he found earlier was, and clicks on directions. He grabs his coat, wallet, and his keys.

Time for some new stories.

A/N sort of a filler chapter, BUT I PROMISE ITS IMPORTANT okay bye :)

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