The Walk Home

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//3rd person george pov

"Where did you leave your car?" George ponders out loud, wondering if it's good that Clays walking him home or not.

"It's not too far. I can walk back, I'll be fine," Clay says. George shrugs. He can't help but not care anyways because he's so happy Clay offered to walk with him.

"Okay," George responds. He glances at the bag in his hand. "Oh, don't forget your book when we get there."

"Oh yeah. I can carry that, by the way," Clay says, practically taking the bag from George without waiting for a response.

"Looks like I have no choice," George says, smirking. Clay always knew what he wanted, George could tell. George also assumed he probably usually got his way, pretty much just by his demeanor.

"I've said this earlier, but it's been a long time since I've read Sweater Weather. Thank you for, uh, re-introducing me to it?" Clay says, smiling over at George.

"Oh, you're welcome, I guess," George smiles back. "It is pretty good."

Silence fell among them, but neither were uncomfortable. Clays presence just made George feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"It's good, that I uh, met someone here. In my new area. Glad I ran into you," George continues, breaking the silence.

Clay smiles warmly. "Yeah, I'm glad you met me too." He chuckles at his own words. After some silence, Clay asks, "C-can I get your, uh, number actually..?"

George's heart hums. "Yeah, yeah.. of course." He takes out his phone and shows Clay his number, while Clay copies it in his phone. Clay smiles more with every number set in the phone.

"Thanks. I'll use this."

"I sure hope so."

Clay breathes shakily and George catches a glance at him. He's flustered.

"Do you know a lot of people around here?" George asks.

"No, not really, just my friend Nick. He goes by Sapnap online, which is what I usually call him. A lot of people here know about me but none of them really know me, except for Nick," Clay responds, fidgeting with the bag.

"Oh, do you think I could meet him one day? I mean, you know, eventually, obviously.. no rush."

Clay smiles. "Yeah, of course. He would like you."

"Yeah? He'd approve?" George turns to Clay.

"Oh, for sure."

George smiles to himself and turns away. "Cool. What would I call him?"

"Sapnap, probably. Or whatever he prefers, I don't know."

George shrugs in agreement. "Sure."

They turn on the final street of George's apartment. They still have one or two slightly large blocks to go, but they are nearing it. George silently wishes that this walk never ends, though he can already see his car from here.

"Whats your favorite color?" Clay asks out of no where.

"Where did that come from?" George asks, laughing and scoffing at the same time.

Clay shrugs. "I might as well know sooner or later."

"Blue," George says with no hesitation. "I'm colorblind, can't see much other colors anyways."

"Oh, okay," Clay says. George likes that he doesn't make a big deal out of it. Like, "oh my gosh, that's so sad, I'm so sorry." He's dealt with it his whole life, it's not like he has much to compare it to anyways, and it's not really a big deal in his book (A/N sorry if this isn't true, i'm not colorblind so please correct me but this is just what i imagine).

"What's yours?"

"Uh, probably lime. Like, lime green."

"Oh. Why? That's an odd color. I can't even see it too well."

"It's.. sort of my... brand? I guess? I don't know. It's the most selling color of my merch."

"MERCH? Where do I get some?" George jokes, even though he'll probably go look it up when he gets home and buy some anyways.

"Oh, no, I can give you one for free. You might as well have it." Clay smiles at George. His freckles light up his face, George notices. And his eyes are so perfect. Like they're just the right color to match his personality, even if he can't see all of the colors. Everything about Dream just fits perfectly together. It dumbfounds George.

"George?" Clay asks and waves his hand. He'd zoned out.

"Oh, sorry, I- uh, zoned out." His freckles.

"Oh, at me?" George is silent as he watches his steps. "Heh, okay."

For some reason, it all hits George like a sudden wave. Clay is really hot. Like, really fucking hot. His voice, his laugh, his demeanor, his eyes, his freckles, his SMILE. God. Oh shit, is Clay homophobic? What if he's just like his parents?

George starts breathing faster but tries to make it unnoticeable. It's fine, George, calm down. He's probably not gay but it's fine. It doesn't matter anyways, you guys just met.

"This is it, right?" Clay asks,pointing at his apartment.

"Oh, yeah, this is my stop," George stops walking and kicks his feet in place.

Clay slightly chuckles at the sight and George notices. "Here's your bag," he says, taking out his copy for himself.

George's arm falters a little when he takes it from Clay- as it is super heavy- and picks it back up like a sack over his shoulder. "Thank you for carrying it. It's really heavy."

"It's not so bad, don't worry about it." Damn. His low voice. Oh my god, stop it George.

"Uh, um hey, are you gonna read Sweater Weather without me?" George fake pouts a little.

Clay tosses the book a little. "Guess not," he laughs a little. "Will you read to me again soon?"

George's heart skips a beat. "Yeah, yeah of course. Whenever you want. I'm literally free all the time as of right now because I just moved here, so, um, yeah."

"Okay, George." Clay chuckles and rolls his neck. Oh my god, WHY is he so attractive.

"I'll see you around, then?" George asks, heading to his buildings' door.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll text you after dinner probably." Clay smiles.

"Yeah, that'd be nice. See you, Dream."

George swear Clay wobbles a little bit. "Heh, bye George." And he turns around back the way they came.

Oh. My. Mfing. God.


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