bonus: A Call

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George pov//

Should I tell Mom that we're dating?

One afternoon a week or so after they are dating, the thought won't leave George alone. The thought's been nipping at his head for so long and it's painful. The guilt weighs on George's shoulders like an elephant. It wouldn't hurt if he didn't say anything, obviously, but George is too soft to even consider it. He bends under pressure easily, especially when it's himself that's the source of the pressure.

What to do, what to do...

He calls Clay.

"Hey George! How are you?"

"Hi... a little uneasy. Can you come over?"

"Of course. Walking out the door right now."

Clay knocks on the door, and George opens it. Clay's got a bag?

"What's the bag for?" George asks.

"You'll see. Talk to me first. What's up?"

"Let's go cuddle, please."

Clay can't hide the smile that grows on his face voluntarily. "Let's."

They start off in a sprint into George's room where they both jump and flop on the bed. They break out into laughter and turn on their backs. Life is so much more fun with him, George thinks, laughing on his back, facing Clay, who is doing the same.

Clay sits up and twists himself to lightly kiss George on the forehead. He heats up, and Clay smiles.

"Come here. I'll hold you."

It's George's turn to smile. They get underneath the blanket and George snuggles underneath Clay's arm. For a moment, George forgets about why he was even nervous in the first place, but...

The thought hits him all over again. My parents don't know. Not that they would be supportive anyways, but... the thought still wouldn't leave George alone.

"George? What's wrong?"

George takes a deep breath. "Okay. So... we've been dating for some time now and I can't get the thought out of my head that... I should tell my mom. Right? I mean... I don't know...."

"George, you just scared the life out of me." George chuckles for a moment, but it's halfhearted.

"Yeah. Sorry, I just... I keep debating whether I should tell them or not. Not that they would like it, and I've already walked out of their lives, and, and, I don't know. But she's my mom, what if she would want to know? God, Clay, what do I do?"

"Well, I think it's really bothering you. I think you could tell them just so you feel better. I don't want you to worry," Clay responds, squishing his face into George's hair. He sighs into it.

"She's just gonna yell at me, though." George sighs and holds onto Clay's arms. "What am I even thinking..."

"It's okay, George. Maybe she'd like to know! Maybe, it's a stretch, but, maybe she had a change of heart? Maybe she will be happy for you! You never know."

"Maybe... it's just so unlikely. I don't know what to do."

"There's no harm in thinking about it. Want to take your mind off of it for a while?"

George smiles. "Sure."

"I have a gift for you. Should I go get it?"

George shrugs and nods in agreement. "Sure... what did you get me? You didn't have to get me anything, you know." Less than a few weeks ago you bought me expensive colorblind glasses, roses, and a picnic... I think I'm pretty set for a bit.

suddenly // dnf, gream, dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now