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A/N THANK YOU FOR 350+ READS?? [sobs] TYSM!!

here it is :]

long chapter btw

George pov//

He reverses the car in silence. George plays with the hem of his shirt and stays quiet. The radio is very faint. Clay rubs his hands around the wheel again and again.

"What are you nervous about?" George asks softly.

Clay's breath hitches a little bit. "You'll see. It's fine."

George shrugs and puts his eyes on the road ahead of him. The sky is slowly turning to morning, a few colors emerging already. George silently wishes he could see them as his gaze is cast out the window.

He trails his thumb around the switches on the car door absently. What is Dream doing?

After a little bit of driving, Clay speaks up.

"So... so, uhm..." he starts, choking on his words. He clears his throat. "You can play music, if you'd like. We have like... uh—" Clay checks the dashboard "— 5 minutes or so until we get there."

George plugs his phone into the car silently and searches Spotify. What song... what song. He swipes through his list quick. He hesitates on a few, and then sees Riptide by Vance Joy.

He clicks it and immediately looks towards Dream. He's smiling. "Is this good?" George asks, a little nervous.

Clay looks towards George and says, "It's perfect."

Dream starts singing and George sings a long a little too. All nervous energy washes away at the waves of their voices. Soon they're both smiling and singing along. George plays air-ukulele and Clay pats the rhythm of the drums on the steering wheel. Together, they make the song come to life.

Suddenly, as the song comes to a close, Clay slowly stops the car at the bottom of a hill. He rubs his hands on the wheel and grips it, hard. He sighs and then lets go.

"Everything okay?" George asks quietly. The softness in his voice is hard to miss. He cares.

Clay sighs and rubs his hands on his thighs. "Yeah." He looks down then up again, and takes a deep breath.

"You're starting to worry me."

"I'm fine. Let's go?"

George nods. Clay gets out of the car and so does George. George's heart pounds with worry.

They walk up the hill together, very close. George can't tell if now is the right or wrong time to hold Clay's hand, so he doesn't.

When the event reaches eye- level, George gasps. He stops in his tracks, and Clay turns around to wait for him. Clay smiles, holding out his hand.

So it's the right time. George takes the hand. His free hand over his mouth in shock, they climb up the last few steps.

And it's beautiful. Everything.

The sky starts to slowly light up as George gazes at the setup. A checkered cliche sheet blanket is placed neatly on the grass, and food and plates are scattered about. There's food peeking out of the basket, and George recognizes some of his favorites, like strawberries. His heart flutters with warmth.

"Dream..." he says in a whisper. He can't believe his eyes and his voice barely works. "Wh... what is...."

"Yeah... it's...." Clay can barely speak either.

George turns his head to his left, where Clay is holding something behind his back. The faint light lays on Dream's face perfectly. He looks so... so...

suddenly // dnf, gream, dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now