Sleepover prt 3

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clay pov //

They lay still, their ring and pinky fingers still interlocked.

"We should go to bed now," George says, unmoving.

"Yeah, we should." Clay doesn't move a muscle.

They silent for a bit, neither of them daring enough to move the slightest bit.

"You felt that," George asks, though the inflection determined it was a statement.

Clay is silent. "Yeah. Did... did you?" he speaks up.

Now it's George's turn to be silent. "Yeah." He felt it, too.



We should really get to sleep. It's past midnight now, and George has to go see his Dad tomorrow.

Clay turns his head towards George and says, "We should really go to bed now. We've gotta get up tomorrow."

"Who says we can't stay in?" George asks, turning his head to Clay, smiling. And then it hits him again. Clay watched George's face wash over with sadness again. His lip quivers and his face flushed. "O-oh...."

Clay unlocks their fingers. He swiftly moves under the covers and George moves slowly.

"Come here," Clay says, and George sniffles. "I'm here."

George gets engulfed in the big fluffy blanket and scooches towards Clay. He slowly dips his head into Clay's chest and snuggles up close. Clay wraps an arm around him and makes sure the blanket covers him properly.

Clay's heart beats a million miles per hour. George is so warm.

"Thank you, Dream," George says ever-so-faintly. Clay doesn't say anything, just holds him tighter. Clay can feel him shaking a little, holding back tears.

"I'm sure it will be okay, George. We will know tomorrow. I don't want you to worry too much, okay?"

George tilts his head upwards towards Clay. His eyes, aligning with Clays, look tired and grieved. A few solitude tear stains lay on his cheeks. He just looks so miserable it shatters Clays heart.

"There's something I need to tell you, Dream," George says, voice shaky. He looks away from Clay's eyes.

Clay is silent. I'm listening. You're safe.

George hesitates. I should say it.

"You're safe, George."

*george pov switch*

Something inside of George hits. More tears pool at the edges of his eyes and he folds back into Clay. A small sob escapes his lips and he shakes. Clay tightens the hug without hurting him. Just enough pressure to be protected.

Dream probably thinks I'm over reacting. It's not even just that....

"I-I'm s-sorry," George shakes out, sobbing now.

"Don't be sorry. It's okay George, take your time."

George just cries a bit harder into Clay's shirt.

after crying

"Are you okay with telling me now, George? Come on," Clay says lightly, softly tilting George's chin up to look at him. "Wipe your tears. It's okay now."

George sniffles for a last few times. "Okay, okay. I'm ready. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, stop apologizing. I don't mind at all. You know that, right?"

George wipes another tear and smiles. He nods. "Sorry." He laughs at his own joke and Clay chuckles as well. "Uh- um, anyways..."

He looks into Dream's beautiful eyes and feels warm again. "So, um, the reason I've been so over reactive about this all is because um.. uh, my- my parents...." His voice wavers to much to continue, so he takes a small pause. Clay waits patiently, sympathy - not pity - in his eyes.

"They're- h-homophobic. Really... really bad. And I-I just get scared? Seeing them..." George takes a big breath. "Especially now that...." He doesn't have to finish his sentence for Clay to understand.

Clay doesn't say anything, so George continues. "Yeah... they um... this is actually the first time I've been away from them. Moving here was my first step forward." He laughs a little bit, very faintly. "I'm finally free. And now I have to go back... what if she needs me to stay, Dream? I-I don't wanna go..."

"Then you won't," Clay says strongly but carefully. "I'll make sure you're happy, George, I promise."

"I'll be safe..." George says very very softly, mostly to himself. He breathes out.

"Always, with me."

George sighs a shaky breath. Dream.

George pauses a huge pause, just letting him hold him there. He's warm here. He was cold, there. But he's warm here.

"What will my parents think of you?"

"Oh, they'll love me."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Adults tend to like me quite a bit...m-most of the time, anyways. Do I give off gay vibes to you?"

George giggles a little. "Hmmm." He pretends to study Clay, even though they're so close. "From this angle? Yeah... pretty gay. A distance? Maybe questioning bisexual."

"How helpful of you," Clay says sarcastically, smiling wide.

Clay leans his face into George's fluffy hair. "You're safe, George" rings in his head like it's noon in the park.

"I've never felt this safe and accepted before, Dream," he confesses suddenly. "Never in my life. You make me feel so protected and I just... it means the world to me."

"Like that boy in the book?" Clay asks, smiling now.

"Yeah, like that boy in the book." George smiles, as Clay's smile is contagious.

They both know what that meant.

suddenly // dnf, gream, dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now