The Second Floor

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<< dream pov, but still 3rd person >>

As George and Clay reach the top of the steps, Clay begins to feel the heat as they fet higher and higher in the building. Clay asks George where he wants to sit.

"I don't mind... you tell me," George says, shrugging.

Clay points to a squishy couch by the fireplace. George nods and they head their way over. The couch is big enough for the two of them, but they sit relatively close to each other anyways.

George doesn't even open the book yet. He just asks, "So, why do people call you Dream?"

Clay smirks and looks away, a little embarrassed. Hearing it out of George's mouth just made him feel different than being called Dream usually did. "Um, it's my IGN [in game name], and it has been for a long time now. It's the name I use on the internet."

George nods. "That's cool. What made you choose 'Dream?'"

Clay thinks for a moment, remembering. He looks back at George. "It's kind of embarrassing. I just used to have a lot of nightmares, I guess, and online, I wanted to be people's safe space. So, I guess I just figured Dream. I- um, I kind of blew up this summer, and I have- like- um, 10 million followers now, I guess." Clay laughs nervously.

George raises his eyebrows. Clay breathes. Please don't hate me please don't-

"That's so cool! That's- that's actually pretty sweet," George says, his voice audibly softening as he talked. "I'm glad people find comfort in you."

Clays chest fills with heat. "Heh, yeah. Um- are you gonna read Sweater Weather? 'Cause if not I might-"

"I'll read it to you," George suggests, smiling.

Clay melts at the softness in his voice. Wait- what the hell? He's just gonna read to me. It's not a big deal. Wait. HE'S READING TO ME? OH MY-

"Clay? You good?" George asks, snapping Clay out of it.

"Oh, um, uh- yeah! Yeah, you can start now."

George laughs at Clay's obvious flustered-ness. "Okay, Clay." Clay almost chokes at George's use of his name. What is wrong with me.

After lots of chapters and hours of reading Sweater Weather, it gets dark outside.

"I haven't read this book in so long, I- I forgot how good it was. That's kind of embarrassing to say out loud," Clay says, laughing a little. God, George is going to think I'm so weird.

"It's not that embarrassing. It's probably more embarrassing to admit that I read it, like, every month. I lied," George says, laughing with a slight blush on his face. It's nothing, it's just the fireplace making him warm.

Something shifts inside Clay. He reads this every month? Clay gets this weird feeling inside of him, making his stomach flutter and twist. Why do I feel like this?

"That's so—" Clay coughs to cover up his sudden stop in sentence. He almost said what he was thinking. Cute. "-uh, funny. I probably would, too if I remembered or had the patience."

George laughs a little, and Clays insides twist again. "Should you go home? It's sort of dark out.. now.."

Clay looks at his watch and then at George. His breath catches when he sees his eyes. They stare at each other. George's eyes... his eyes. Stop staring stop staring stop staring-

Clay finally manages to look away. "Um yeah, I'm gonna have dinner with my mom soon. She doesn't live too far from here, so I still have a little time. Do... you have anything, to um- to do?" Clay asks, tripping over his tongue. He wants to hang out with George more but is scared that he's got plans. "Do you... like, come here often?" he continues.

George looks at his phone. No new notifications. "No, actually uh-" he laughs a little, "I just moved here, like.. today, literally. I live, like, walking distance from here."

Clay raises his eyebrows. Thats sort of surprising. It's good that he lives so close to here though.

"But I plan on coming here often," George pauses. "Do you come here often, Clay?" George asks, smiling.

My name. Out of his mouth. Oh my god.

"Not really. I don't really read a ton but it's so nice here that I stop by every once in a while. I'll probably come here- uh- more often now, though..." Clay says, rubbing his neck.

"And why might that be?" George asks, smirking. Oh my god.

"No reason," Clay says, smirking right back, probably blushing like crazy. His heart beats a million miles per hour. God, what is wrong with me? We just met anyways.

"Well then, Clay," George says, emphasis on his name, putting his books back in his bag. "I'll see you around here, maybe."

If he keeps saying my name I'm literally going to lose my mind.

"Actually..." Clay pauses, thinking. "Can I walk you home, George? It's kinda dark out and um...."

"You think I can't handle myself?" George says, slightly smiling.

"No. I just need an excuse to walk you home," Clay says boldly. He smiles to himself.

George raises his eyebrows and smiles. He's a little caught of guard by the flirtatious comment and says, "Sure. Let's go?"

"Actually, I think I need another copy of that book first..." Clay says, eyeing the Sweater Weather book in George's bag.

suddenly // dnf, gream, dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now