the end! pls read? :]

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Thank you for reading it has been wonderful to write!! Leave a comment or just generally let me know if anyone would like a final chapter or anything after this? Definitely not a sequel but I could do like one more chapter or something??

PLEASE GO READ MY *in-progress* OTHER DNF FANFIC! It's called Blueberry Eyes, and it's based off of the song called Blueberry Eyes by MAX, Suga, and BTS!!! Maybe please go check it out? I'm actually REALLY excited for it!!

I appreciate everyone who read this, voted on my chapters, commented, just everything in general. Thank you so much seriously!!!! HAVE A NICE DAY : )


update; please go check out my friend sunrisebeani3 on wattpad and sunrisebeanie on ao3!! they are SOO incredibly talented and they help me a lot with writing!! you won't regret it :)

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