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george pov//

longer chapter :)

TW HOMOPHOBIA D: (no slurs)

George wakes up before Clay, warmly wrapped in his strong arms. He yawns and stretches a little. Their alarm hasn't gone off yet, so George doesn't move. He's happy, laying here with Dream. Just being here makes him feel safe and accepted.

After a little while of laying there, Dream adjusts a bit and yawns, waking up. "Oh, good morning, George." His mf sleepy voice. George has only heard it once before, and it was over call. It's so much more attractive in real life. George is stunned for a moment before he talks.

"Good morning, Dream." He wonders if his voice sounds even remotely as attractive as Dream's morning voice. It's raspy in his throat, maybe he has a chance.

"Did our alarm go off?" Dream asks, stretching his arms over his head, his shirt lifting a little bit. George almost chokes out loud, but he bites his tongue to stop himself.

"No? I don't think so. If it did I slept through it," George says, eyeing Clay's eyes secretively.

"Let me check." Dream stretches and bends over backward to reach his phone off the nightstand, more abs showing. Oh my fucking god.

"Yeah, we still have like literally 30 minutes until we were supposed to wake up. So like, over an hour until we should leave," Dream says, turning off his phone.

"What time is it?" George asks, trying not to act as flustered as he is.

Dream turns his phone on and then off again. "Like 10:15. Last night after you fell asleep I checked visiting hours and they're at like 2-4 today."

"How far is the hospital?"

"Half an hour or more maybe? It's like just across the state border."

George processes this information, and smirks. "Will you let me have the aux?"

After getting ready to leave, they pack the car with some snacks and a pillow and some blankets. Clay never even thought to bring these things, but George had repeatedly insisted. He liked to be comfortable when we was traveling. Clay gave in, of course, because he would do anything to ensure George's comfort.

They got in the car. Clay was driving and George was riding shotgun. George was already reaching for a blanket.

"Tired already?" Clay asked.

"No, I just like to be warm," George responded, cuddling himself up in a warm fuzzy blanket. It was sort of dense for the car, but Clay let him take it anyways.

Clay laughed a little and shrugged.

George reached for the aux, waiting to see if Clay would do anything. George paused, holding it in front of him.

Clay sighed. "Fine, fine, just don't play anything dumb."

George giggled and plugged it in, first playing Captain Hook by Megan Thee Stallion. George slowly looked to Clay to see his face of disapproval.

But to his suprise, Clay was smirking.

"Real hot girl shit..." Clay started, glancing at George with a smug look on his face. He stuck out his tongue and did the "ah" Megan thing. George rolled his eyes but smiled.

"Ay, bitch I'm a problem nobody solving, you can keep hating I'm popping regardless!" Clay started, not missing a beat.

George only fell harder as Clay yelled the words and hit every bass hit on the steering wheel.

suddenly // dnf, gream, dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now