Sleepover prt 1

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*LONGER CHAPTER* I could have made it two, but whatever SORRY

clay pov //

"Do you want a hug?" Clay finds himself asking after a period of silence. Oh god, Clay would do anything to hold George right now. To let him know he was safe with him. To keep George safe from everything that made him sad? That's all he wanted.

George nods into Clay's hand. "C'mere," Clay says, gesturing his arms out. George comes and climbs on Clay. Clay sits with his back to the tall arm of the couch. George snuggled into his chest as Clay wraps an arm around him. Clays heart runs a million miles per hour, and he swears he can feel George's run fast too.

You're safe, Clay wants to say. In my arms, you're safe.

But he doesn't. He just stays silent and holds George, rubbing circles on his shoulder blade. Clay closes his eyes and leans his head on George's beautiful fluffy brown hair. It feels nice on his cheek.

I want to stay like this forever.

"Do you want to sleep?" Clay finds himself asking very quietly, as if not to disturb him.

George nods silently into Clay's chest. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!

"Okay. Goodnight, Georgie." God, why did I say that? I'm such an id-

"Goodnight, Dreamy," George says in a low, sleepy voice. Clay resists the urge to scream and bust into dance. He smiles into George's hair like a fool. Dreamy. He called me Dreamy. I think I might die? Yeah, I might die right now.

Despite Clays exploding heart, he closes his eyes and manages to fall asleep with George in his arms. My arms. He's here. In my arms.

— after they sleep

George wakes up first. He stretches into Clay, accidentally waking Clay up too.

Clay groans as he wakes up.

"Sorry, Clay. I didn't mean to wake you up," George says in his sleepy voice. Oh my god his raspy voice—

"It's okay, George. Don't worry." Clay stretches a little, and George doesn't move. "Hey, what time is it?"

George stretches his arm over Clay to reach his phone. He clicks the screen and it turns on.

"9:41. Do... do you maybe want to stay over? We could go to the... h-hospital maybe tomorrow morning?" George asks.

"Yeah, of course I'll stay. I'll take you when we wake up tomorrow. I'll check the visitor times before hand."

"Th-thank you, Clay. For that and letting me sleep on you," George says, still unmoving from Clays chest.

"Of course." Clay smiles and resists the urge to say Georgie again. God, he loved that nickname for him.

They sit there in silence, not looking at each other.

Clay looks around the room, searching for something to say. He sees the huge bookshelf and smiles to himself, remembering the time George first introduced him to his prized possession. Clay loved the way his face lit up when he described his ranking system, how he got excited when Clay pointed out his favorite books. He noticed that he never had a bought copy of Sweater Weather, even though he loves it. They're all sold out, George had said. I don't think they even make them anymore. Clay promised to himself that he would get George one. He would have to try really hard, but it would be worth it.

"What are you smiling about?" George asks, smiling himself.

"Oh, just your bookshelf. I still think it's really cool. And the way you organize them... I might have to do it to my books at home," Clay says genuinely.

George smiles even wider. "You should. It's helpful." He beams, and Clay melts a little.

After some silence, George speaks up. "What do you want to do during our first sleepover?"

Clay smiles. "Hmm... maybe read? Or something else if you want...." Clay doesn't even love reading all that much, but he knows George does.

"YES PLEASE," George practically shouts. He springs up from his spot on Dream and goes over to the bookshelf. "I'll read one of the ones I got today."

Clay stretches and cracks his back. "Can I read one of your favorites? Give me a suggestion."

"Yes. Yes. Yes! Oh my god, okay. What do you like in a book?" George asks, searching around for books on his shelf.

Clay admires George before answering him. The way he moves around, pretending to be all professional, looking for a book for Clay... he loves every bit of it. It mesmerizes Clay, the way he looks in front of the bookshelf. The warmth George gives off just melts his heart, in a good way.

"Uh, it's sort of embarrassing, but romance. I like lighthearted books. Like the ones that aren't to heavy to read if that makes sense? I enjoy lesser problems, I guess."

George nods and hums. "Okay, Dream, how about this one? It's sort of got a lot of symbolism because I really like finding deeper meanings and stuff, but the guys problem isn't too extreme. What do you think?" George asks, bringing a book to Clay, who is still positioned on the couch.

Clay opens it and reads the description. He likes it. "This is perfect," Clay says, smiling at George.

"Really? Yay!! I'm so excited. Want to read in my room? There's more room on my bed in there."

"Sure, George."

—reading on George's bed

They lay down on their bellies parallel to each other. George has his chin in his palms and Clay has his forearms on the bed, flipping the page every once in a while. Clay subtly glances at George. Oh my god, he's so cute with his head in his hands like that. What the hell, George. Why do you do this to me.

Why do I even think like this? What's wrong with me? He probably doesn't even like me like that. He's just grateful to have a friend in his area. It's nothing more than that, probably.

But the signs... god, whatever. "I'll be right back," he says to George. "I'm going to the bathroom."


Clay goes to the bathroom and splashes cold water on his face. Tries to get rid of the pink heat that lingers on his face. God, stop that, Clay. He's gonna notice.

Clay walks back to George's bed after drying his face and neck off. He returns to his book, which is actually really good, and pretends that George isn't 1 foot away from him. Well, tries, anyways. It doesn't work very well, but whatever.

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