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george pov//

One week later...

"How've you been feeling?" Clay asks after George picks up his call.

"Good," George says, and he means it. It hasn't taken him long to get over the thing with his parents. "I'm actually doing fine now."

"I'm proud of you," Clay says, and George melts a little. A second ago he was reaching for a blanket, but suddenly he doesn't need one anymore.

George sits on the couch and says, "Thanks. Me, too, actually." He laughs a little and Clay returns the action. "How've you been? We haven't talked in a while." Honestly, it had felt like forever.

"Oh come on now. It was yesterday, George." Clay wheezes. George smiles widely to himself. So maybe it wasn't that long ago.

"Whatever! Just answer my question."

"I've been good," Clay says, his voice going lower. Oh my god. "I haven't really been doing much. I've been reading... a- um, a lot."

George lights up. "Really? You have? What have you read??"

"Um, I might have stolen a few of the books from your shelf when you weren't looking. The S tier ones, as you would say."

"CLAY!! Which ones??" George asks very excitedly.

He lists a few of the names, and George gushes over it. He asks him a ton of questions, and Clay answers every single one of them in detail.

"I thought you didn't like reading?" George asks after a lot lot lot of talking about books and questions. Open ended and closed ended. All of the different types of questions you could even imagine.

"You do have a huge influence on me." Clay chuckles and George smiles. Heat crawls up his body. "Even if I hated reading," Clay says, voice low and soft, "and I met you, I would start reading every hour of the day."

George's heart soars. His stomach flutters. His face heats up. And he's at a loss for words. His voice.... What Dream said meant the world to George. That has to mean something.

"D-do you want to come over? I'm kinda bored and I can give you new books if- if you want...." George twirls his finger around his hoodie string, hoping his question wouldn't come off weird. "You can stay the night if you'd like," he adds, hoping- praying- that he would stay.

"Yeah, of course. I'll be right there. Should I pack anything?"

"Uh, bring the books, and maybe clothes if you don't like mine."

"Mm, I like your clothes. Let me get the book and I'll be right over."

George swoons as Clay hangs up. Why was everything Dream did so effortlessly flirtatious?

He arrives and George opens the door for him.

"Hey, George!" he says, smile wide and giddy.

George smiles and sighs a little, opening the door for him. "Hi Dream."

"What did you wanna do? I brought the books, by the way." He hands them out to George, and he takes them.

George searches for a question to ask about the books, but he's already asked them all. He tries to find something, anything, to keep the conversation on books. Who knows what would happen if it led astray.

"Thanks. And... I don't know, I didn't really have much in mind to be honest. I just wanted to- to see you..." George trails off.

suddenly // dnf, gream, dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now