chapter 3 - full power unleashed

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An enraged BoBoiBoy has stopped Probe's giant fist.

"Blazing Punch!"

He gives a fiery hit on the robot, which Probe crashes to the ground. This is a surprise were BBB can use fire power without transforming.

When the robot soldiers are charging at the boy, he summon the thunder swords, then zooms off with the speed of lightning, so he can strike down the robots one at the time.

He makes another move by summoning a tornado, to blow the army away. Which there are no other robots left.

Then Mecha Probe stand up and begins to shoot lasers, which the element user dodge the attacks by creating a path of ice to slide over from the air.

While trying to catching up to the boy, both Adudu, Probe, and Ochobot are awed from seeing BoBoiBoy on being able to use powers in his original form.

"(Growls) This is impossible! How can he still moving after making every move that I got?!"

The alien is getting annoyed and continued to chase him.

As Probe is gonna make another attack, BoBoiBoy uses the binding thorn to wrap around the robots legs to make the him fall down.

Then punches the ground to make the earth pillar hit Probe from the bottom. Which gets launch through the air.

BoBoiBoy makes his final move by using solar power to shoot solar shot at Mecha Probe to blast him and Adudu off through the sky.

Thus setting Ochobot free from captivity, but ended up faceplant on the ground. Then gets up to thank BoBoiBoy.

"That was amazing BoBoiBoy. You have managed use your power to beat Adudu without transforming."

Then he started to scan on BBB's power band since it briefly short circuit, were it was shot by a laser. Despite this, the results shows that it's still fine now.

However, as the element user begins kneeling down in exhaustion, he can't move a muscle but to feel paralyzed for a moment. This worries Ochobot as he approaches to him.

"Hey BoBoiBoy, are you alright?"

When the boy looks at the robot, he harshly slapped him on the head.

"Ouch! Hey, why did you do tha-"

The power sphere didn't finished his sentence, as he notice that his friend makes death glare at the robot. Which makes him feel nervous for his expression.

"You shouldn't wonder off on your own! It's dangerous if you're being a target, you aren't capable to handle things on your own. You Know That!
But you also endangered someone else. Look!"

He showed his bruises on the face. But when he gets up, he gives an unhappy look at the yellow robot.

"Sometimes, you can be a burden to me. I'll have to warn you that if I'm not around, you're done for it..."

BBB said coldly to Ochobot then walks away.

Making the the robot to frown in shame. The words maybe harsh, but it's actually true. Even though they're best friends, Ochobot has always depending on his friend for a rescue. Only to brought his friend in a harm's way as well.




On the next day...

A disgruntled BoBoiBoy walks through the streets alone. While his bruises are patched up by bandages.

As he passed by from the canteen woman's house, while Yaya came by, canteen woman approaches to the boy.

Canteen woman: I'm glad you're here, BoBoiBoy. I need your help from fixing my chicken coop again. It's not like you had burned it with your fire.
(season 3 episode 16)

BoBoiBoy: ...(disgusted) You're expecting me for a help... How can my power would fix your coop?

Canteen woman: Uhh...


Then he leaves. While Yaya has witnessed on the way on what the element user has act towards the woman.

Next, he passed by from the bank, while Ying is walking by. Which was surrounded by police cars, as there's a robbery. Then the police chief has notice the element user who came by, and asked for help. However...

Police chief: BoBoiBoy, thank goodness you're here.

BoBoiBoy: what is it sir?

Police chief: there's a robbery from the bank.

BoBoiBoy: who are the robbers?

Police chief: well it's the Serial Laundromat Robber. They're back again, and they held hostages, like it happen from before (season 3 episode 7). Would you please help us rescue the hostages and arrest those robbers?

BoBoiBoy: that's not my problem. you can handle those clowns on your own. They're just not worth it for me.

The boy walks away after refusing to offer help. While Ying has watched the whole scene out of disbelief.

As BBB continues to walk through the streets, the little boy approaches him. He's asking to rescuing his pet cat from the tree. However...

Little boy: BoBoiBoy! My cat is stuck from the tree. Please rescue him.

BoBoiBoy: the cat can land it's feet. He will be fine.

He rudely leaves the boy behind. With BBB gone, Gopal appeared and offer a help instead.

Gopal: don't worry kid, I'll get your cat back. (Winks)

However, the cat takes an immediate dislike for the Molecule User in first sight for no reason. Which it jumps off from the tree and senselessly attack him.

While BoBoiBoy doesn't seem to care but to continue walking all alone in the streets. Until... His watch suddenly rings as Ochobot contacts him about the news.

Ochobot: BoBoiBoy!!! You have to come home quickly!

BoBoiBoy: why? Is there something wrong?

Ochobot: it's grandad! He suddenly got himself a fever. We need to take him to the hospital right now!

BoBoiBoy: *shocked for a moment, then becomes worried* alright I'll be there!

So BBB rushes back to the house for his grandfather's condition.




Meanwhile, In the far away of the alien planet... The alien bandits, the one that BoBoiBoy mentioned about his failed attempt to rescue the power sphere from them, are located in the middle of the jungle.

As they're trying to examine the use of power sphere, they hear a crashing that is coming from the woods. So they try to check it out. They found a capsule like machine that made a touchdown to the jungle.

The boss of this group takes a closer look, to see something through the window glass. Only to see an old humanoid alien who's sleeping inside.

And that old alien turned out to be Hang Kasa "sleeping" from inside...





Author's Notes: I don't own any of the characters. BoBoiBoy belongs to Monsta.

P.S. sorry if my English or Grammars were bad.

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