chapter 4 - another TAPOPS mission

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Few days has already passed (after the previous chapter)...

Tok Aba has already been hospitalized, were he is in the sick room. Laying on the coma as he's suffering a fever since last time. While Ochobot is keeping him company.

Although he's sick, Tok Aba is concerned about his grandson, as he was not with them.

Tok Aba: has BoBoiBoy return from his mission?

Ochobot: ... (unhappy voice) no Tok Aba, not yet. It's been an hour already...

Knowing that he has something else to do rather than keeping them company.





Few hours ago...

In the TAPOPS station where BoBoiBoy and Ochobot was called to come here to meet with the commander Kokoci and the admiral Tarung, but also sees his snappy friends who had ended their friendship with him. While he's feeling displeasure since he's been expelled.

BoBoiBoy: (unhappy voice) you have a lot of guts on calling me to come here. Can't you see that I'm taking care of Tok Aba who is very sick right now.

As the boy is still upset about it, while the others doesn't want to make eye contacts with him. Just to ignore his presence. Then Kokoci reveals that there's a transmitter device that was mysteriously sent in this station, which is only for the Element User.

Once he activate the device, the screen reveals to be a same alien bandit that BoBoiBoy has once failed to capture them from before.

Bandit boss: greetings BoBoiBoy. Remember us?

BoBoiBoy: you're one of the criminals that we tried to capture!

Bandit boss: Hahahahaha! And you were hilarious back there!
Anyway, I'm calling you because there's some one you knew is under my hands.

The boss gives a view that the screen shows his henchmen, Who held a fainted Hang Kasa hostage, while being tied up by them.

BoBoiBoy: Tok Kasa?! But how is he alive? I thought he died from the explosions.

The bandit boss explains on how Hang Kasa got there, that he has taken a ride from the escape pod. Which he ended up crashed to the planet where their lair is located.

But now that they're holding Hang Kasa hostage, they want the element user to come to their lair.

BoBoiBoy: so what does it have to do with me?

Bandit boss: I'm taking interest in your power, and this would make a fortune for our bounty.

BoBoiBoy: (in unhappy voice) what...

Bandit boss: For now, come to this planet and enter this cave.

The holograph screen shows an image of a planet and the cave, so they will know on where they are located. Then screen changes back to the footage of the bandits.

Bandit boss: you better be there, or else... Your friend gets it!

Which one of his henchmen threatened to beheaded Hang Kasa, where they lay a knife on his neck. Worrying both BBB and Ochobot for his condition.

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