chapter 22 - long time foes

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Warning: this is going to be Dark...


TAPOPS battles against the Empires in the main room, while the defenseless group remains hidden just to protect themselves.

But High One stands quietly, as she only watches the fight.

Warlin: High One! What are you doing?!

High One: oh ummm... Sorry. I'm just tired.

Warlin: well quit slacking off, and fight the enemies.

High One: yes sir...

After being scolded, she transforms into a wolf form to attack the enemies.

Excaliborg dodges laser blasts that MechAmato shoots at his enemy.

Then the Armored King draw out energy sword in attempt for a strike. But his attacks are blocked, were the Armored Hero draw out a pair of shields from his gauntlets, before pushing each other off.

MechAmato: tell me. What does this has to do with me?! And what have you done to someone that you took away?!

Excaliborg: I rather not talk about it. But What's the point on seeking to protect the weak if they're not worth to be saved.

MechAmato: it's called justice! Were it's all about fair treatment to the people. Why don't you understand the purpose of righteousness?! Not only you want to conquer the galaxy for yourself, but you also like causing pain and suffering to the Innocents!

Excaliborg: nobody's innocent. They must pay for their arrogance, as they should be punished. Rather than protecting them, they don't deserved happiness.

MechAmato: you have no sense of honor. Like you did to Cosmolot. You should be the one to be punished!

The Armored Hero shoots laser blast several times, but his enemy shields himself from the attacks.

Then MechAmato launch missiles, only Excaliborg uses energy sword to slice it into pieces.

But this buys MechAmato to pin his enemy to the wall.

MechAmato: answer me! why did you took away someone precious to me?!

Excaliborg: since When do you care? You left someone who's close to you for years. While you started to wear a mask.

MechAmato: ... because I swear to never let my identity be exposed to anyone else, like it happens from you.

Excaliborg: but you're going To regret on leaving someone alone.

MechAmato: my family is now in a safer place, and you'll never find them... But how did you find this place? The facility was supposed to be hidden from the criminals like you.

Excaliborg: (smirks) Well, it's actually the boy who had double crossed TAPOPS.

MechAmato: Huh?!

Excaliborg: He's responsible for bringing us here. As he has fallen into a dark side, rather than being a hero. I should have him by my side, instead of that worthless one that I tried to raise to be my general.

High One: what...?

She overhears from their conversation, which gets herself distracted from the battle. While she quietly stands behind the Red armored person.

As MechAmato refuse to believe from his enemy.

"I had enough of your nonsense! You shall pay for your crimes, and end with your tyranny to the Innocence. Justice must be prevail from the likes of you. Once and for all!"

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