chapter 10 - Who is the Power Sphere Killer?

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In the space station that disguise as an asteroid...

Fang, Yaya, Ying, and Gopal are sitting together in the main area. Were they're being patched by bandages to cover their wounds, and putting an ice pack on their heads, since their last fight with Kurai.

While they're having a transmission with commander Kokoci and admiral Tarung on the monitor. They give them a news about encountering with the Killer, while they supposed to rescue the power sphere.

Kokoci: so you're telling me that you all met Kurai, "the Power Sphere Killer"... and he destroyed Fortunebot?

Yaya: yes commander. But he also hurt Ochobot. Were he had broke the scanner.

Ying: it's fine. The Admiral is still repairing all the damages right now.

Then a sliding door automatically opens, to which where the red armored person came out from.

"Alright kids, your friend is okay now."

MechAmato is holding a well repaired Ochobot. Showing that his eyes are now fixed & was able to fly on his own, much to their relief on his condition.

Ochobot: thank you admiral. I'm feeling much better right now.

MechAmato: you're welcome.

As they turn attention on looking at the monitor.

Kokoci: I am glad you're okay Ochobot. But still...

Tarung: I can't believe that Kurai brat had done another stunt again!

Gopal: again?

Kokoci: Kurai was the most dangerous criminal in the galaxy, since he first came from last month. Nobody knew who he is...

Tarung: yet a troublemaker to TAPOPS and most of the government in the galaxy. Were he kept sabotaging us in every single mission. It is very unforgivable!

Fang: not only that. We all had witnessed on how powerful Kurai was.

Gopal: and we have no chance on winning against him.

Hearing from this, the commander decided to show the footages on the monitor of his actions. Which the screen shows most records of his crimes.

Such as hijacking the cargo train and air ship for a theft on destroying power spheres from there. Setting the facility on fire. And massacring the group of evil organization.

But shows most known of his powers for his personal gain. Like an illusions to distract the power sphere hunter, so Kurai can make an ambush. Casting a portal to escape from the space police. Taking a form of a ghost, the killer approaches towards the panicked power sphere hunter, who tried to shoot him down, but was ineffective from his intangibility before giving a strike.

Also shows something horrific of his power... Kurai suffocate the space soldier by coughing out a black smoke from the mouth, after touching on the latter's chest.

After watching the whole footage, the kids and Ochobot becomes fearful, as they never thought on how dangerous Kurai would be. Which the Molecule User begins to faint in shocked from watching it.

Ochobot: it looks like... an elemental of Darkness!

Fang: it's almost like my shadow powers.

Gopal: *stands up* except it's more scarier than yours.

Fang: (displeased) hmph!

Kokoci: sounds like a dangerous power! you kids must be prepared if you ever encountered with him again. Or you'll face the consequences...

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