chapter 13 - most wanted criminal in the galaxy

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Warning: excessive violence, killing, and blood.




Fang and Kaizo are filled with anger over the Masked Killer, while he silently stare at them.

But when a military general arrives and see the criminal floating in the air, he started to call his troops.

"Calling all forces. Enemy has been sighted!"

Which the soldiers quickly arrives in time, besides the two infront of this mansion.

Then a sky brigades stops by that surrounds Kurai in the air. And then a military robots arrives as they all deploy on capturing the criminal.

But Kurai doesn't show any mercy from the the whole army, despite being surrounded. Instead, he makes a ruthless assault to them by using dark powers.

He uses Dark Tendrils to grab all of the jets by stabbing it. Forcing most of the pilots to eject themselves. As he starts to toss those jets that aims at the military force.

Forcing the brothers to shield them.

"Shadow Shield"

"Energy Barrier"

They successfully protect the soldiers from the falling jets. Which ended up explodes for a moment after crashing to it.

Before the soldiers and the robots would launch an attack, Kurai makes a next move.

"Dark spikes"

It appears bursting out, under the feet of the robots and start skewering them.

Kaizo: Watch out!

Making him and Fang to jump off to another floor to avoid it.

Unfortunately, for some random soldiers, falls under a victim as they get themselves impaled from the spikes.

Seeing this, the Shadow User is infuriated and begins to shout out to the masked killer for his dishonorable act.

Fang: you have gone too far, Kurai! Everything you have done was unforgivable!

Kurai: hmph! Like I would care... I actually enjoy giving pain and suffering!

His uncaring words makes Fang angrier

Then the general calls for more army.

"We need more back up! ASAP!"

Which more fleet of sky brigades and robot drones immediately arrives to this, just to confront the criminal.

But this make him excited to deal with them.

"Ooh, More games to play? This would be fun."

So Kurai starts to fly away. Making the military force to chase after him.

Kaizo: Fang, we cannot let him get away!

Fang: Yes captain. "Shadow Eagle!"

He summons an eagle to take a ride, along with his brother, so they can follow the chase.

While flying through the city in the air, Kurai easily dodges some attacks from the military, like a missile and the laser shots.

The criminal uses his shot guns then powers to strike them back.

But ended up causing more damages from the city, while some bystanders tries to avoid from being involved of this conflict.

Then he started to land on one of the jet, which makes the pilot to step out from his ride just to take him down.

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