Chapter 31 - a great elemental battle

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TAPOPS becomes more fearful, now that BoBoiBoy has brought his army that he summoned his elemental clones in the 2nd level.

But with the armor they're wearing, their powers are now enhanced.

While the watch wearers remember about the clones that have a unique personality, that's based on the nature of their elemental powers.

But now they're also inherited their revengeful desire from the original.

Halilintar: (ferociously) I'm Going To Murder You All...! *Which easily frightened some of the members from his intimidation.*

Gempa: we'll never forgive you all for everything.

Taufan: we should've known how ungrateful you all are.

Duri: you're all a bunch of meanies!

Blaze: I feel like I wanted to burn you alive.

Lunar: now that I have my army, it's time to destroy you all.

So he orders his clones to attack the people that he hates.

Gempa makes the first move by using Rock Throw at TAPOPS.

While Kaizo, MechAmato, Fang, and the shield twins try to shield the others from his attacks.

As he frequently uses Rock Throw, Blaze and Ais both combine with their attacks.

Were Blaze throws fireballs and Ais shoots ice arrows.

The pressure of the attacks could not resist them. Causing them to break down their defense and ended up being hit from the blast, along with the others.

With TAPOPS down, Taufan dashes towards the power band wearers where he kick them.

Adudu: *slowly stands up* GRRR... I'm started to get ticked off already.

Unknowingly to him, Duri is standing behind him.

When the green alien turns around, he received a whipped from Duri's Thorn vine.

As the rest charge towards TAPOPS, the great battle begins.

While Ochobot and Kokoci have to take cover from a violent battle. But the yellow robot becomes more worried about this situation.

Solar shoots beam at the group, while they evade it.

Taufan uses Cyclone Drill where he flies over in an attempt to charge at them.

Ying tries to get out of their attacks. But every time she tries to run off with her speed, Halilintar frequently blocks her way with his speed. Whenever she tries to escape while he easily catches her up.

Then Halilintar physically beat her up in enhanced speed, then electrocute the Time User to give pain and discomfort.

Seeing her best friend in danger, Yaya tries to fly towards Ying.

But Gempa intervened where he summoned a giant fist of rock from the ground punching the Gravity user to the wall, before dropping her to the ground.

As Halilintar is about to finish Ying off, where he brings a Thunder Blades in an attempt to strike her, Kaizo defends her. Causing them to sword fight against each other.

Although Halilintar becomes more aggressive,

"Out Of My Way! Let Me Finish Her Off! Or I'll Mortally Rip You A Part As Well!"

Kaizo doesn't care but started to enjoy their duel, as he found a worthy opponent to challenge with.

MechAmato becomes horrified by this situation and he wants to stop this.

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