chapter 11 - "Intruder Alert!!!"

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"what, there's an intruder?!" Asked the Molecule User.

MechAmato tries to navigate but no avail.

"It's no use! I could not track down the intruder. The security system are now damaged. You have to be careful kids. This might be a Power Sphere hunter. They could be dangerous, as they have a nerve on coming to my station."

As the admiral warns the teens, they suddenly hear a screaming voice.

"Help Me!!!"

It turns out to be Ochobot's voice, Who disappeared from the group, and it's coming from the outside of this room.

Ying: Oh no! Ochobot has been captured.

Yaya: let's go save him!

So the teens leave the room to search for their yellow robot friend. While the admiral has to stay on repairing the security system.

They follow the screaming voice in the middle of the hall, until they managed to find him. But ended up encountering his captor.

Yaya: there's Ochobot over there!

Gopal: but who's that?

The intruder who wears a scarlet armor, with black spandex (also wears a back bag). While has a helmet that has a style of a knight, while her mouth is exposed, and has a sharp fang.

But appears to be a young teenage girl like the other teens from TAPOPS.

"Who are you and how did you find this station?" Yaya demanded answers to the intruder.

"I am High One!" She introduced herself.

"High One?!" Said Gopal, Yaya and Ying.

"That's right. Cause I'm known to be the best power sphere hunter in the galaxy, as I get good records of collecting them. While no one can stop me that easy... *Starts to look at Ochobot* Now tell me where the rest of those tin cans are?!"

She threateningly squeeze the yellow robot in demand for it's location. Making the others angry for hurting their friend.

Yaya: don't you dare hurt Ochobot!

Ying: you're not going to get away that easy.

So the girls form an attack together. But High One (after putting Ochobot in her back bag, & traps him inside) easily dodges their attacks. She continues on evading from their repeated attacks, until the Gravity User almost reach her to give a punch.


"Animal form-"

The intruder's powers is revealed as she's going to transform...


With this form, she easily grab the punch one handedly in full strength. Then launches her off to the wall.

Everyone is awed from Seeing her transform into a feline creature, but retains her humanoid state.

Were her armored suit takes a design of a tiger. Even gaining an ears, tail, claw and an orange skin of it's traits. And having a stripes on each sides of a cheek.

"Did she turned herself into a tiger...?" Gopal said anxiously, as he fear over her abilities.

The Time User attempt to launch an attack, but High One intercept it with a strong hit. Then she raised her sharp claws to give her a slash, while Ying avoids it.

When Yaya flies over in attempt to help her friend, she grabs Ying by the leg to launch her to knock down the Gravity User.

Then she transform again.

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