chapter 6 - breaking news...

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One month and a half has already passed...

Tok Aba is still in the hospital for months now, due of suffering a fever. While Ochobot has to keep him company.

But he seems to be feel better from sickness, though he still feeling drowsy a bit.

Tok Aba: so Ochobot, how's everything going. So far I couldn't remember on how long have I been in the hospital.

Ochobot: for one month... And a half... But we had took care of everything.

The power sphere explains about the events from the past. Like the super hero gang gets the best records on rescuing the power spheres, while TAPOPS took care of the Cocoa stall which Nut built a Cocoa making machine that serves for customers.

Then the yellow robot announced about their old enemy.

Ochobot: here's a good news about Adudu, he's now a good guy again!

Tok Aba: what? Really?

Ochobot: he is now working with TAPOPS since they had saved his life and Probe. And he's became more helpful to others, which they have managed to accomplish every mission. It's all thanks to Adudu.

Tok Aba: that's good to hear Ochobot. I always knew that he wasn't always been a bad boy.

Although he's happy about the news, there's something in his mind...

Tok Aba: But do you know something? I feel like I'm forgetting something (or someone), hmm... It's like somebody is missing.

Ochobot: hmm... Who are you referring to, Tok Aba?

They started to think on who the missing person is. However, grandad suddenly begins to cough out, due of suffering his illness. Worrying the robot.

Ochobot: oh no! Here, take this ice pack.

Which he placed it on his forehead, while his coughing are calmed down then lay down to relax.

To cheer him, Ochobot decided to switch on the TV for his boss to watch. However, this program was interrupted by a news channel. This catches an attention from both of them.

As the screen shows a news reporter who seems to be calmed.

News reporter: (calm voice) good afternoon everyone. We interrupted this program for a breaking news...

But his expression changes into panicked.


The footage shows a background from the reporter presented there. Were the city is in complete chaos.

First the camera shows from the city as the building is completely covered by ice.

When the reporter approaches there, while his cameraman follows to take a view. It shows through the ice that there are business workers that are trapped inside, which also has ice in there, and they're are panicking.

Business man: please save us! There's a giant spikes that is all over the ceiling. And it's coming closer to us!

It turned out that the ice spikes are threatening to skewer the people in there. While it's moving slowly.

Another havoc catches attention from the reporters that there are many plants were "planted" all over the town. Including covering over the buildings, the pathway, even the vines are tangling many bystanders.

Then present another scene shows that all of the electricity in this city has lost its power. Especially for gadgets and vehicles that is drained out.

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