chapters 30 - confrontation

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Warning: this is going to be intense...




Everyone could not believe with their own eyes.

Seeing that BoBoiBoy has arrived in the underground to encounter TAPOPS and his family. While they discussed about him.

While BBB's family is delighted to reunite with him, since they haven't seen him for a long time.

But noticed that he's now as Kurai who's wearing a suit. Causing them to feel hostile if he might pull a stunt on them. Now that he becomes an enemy.

Then they noticed something.

Gopal: is that BoBoiBoy who is now Kurai?

Fang: but his armor is in a different color.

They see the changes of his armor now has dark violet color.

Kurai: yeah, my armor did change after I have managed to evolve this new elemental power. Which I am now, BoBoiBoy Lunar!

Adudu: BoBoiBoy Lunar?

Yaya: but how...?

GGG: could it be the effects from the lunar eclipse?

Probe: but it didn't happen on the planet earth.

Kurai: well, it did happen from other planets that we terrorize the government facility.

Kokoci: so you stole all the treasures from them!

Kurai: that's right! Now that it's all complete, they will fulfill their world domination.

TAPOPS could not believe the news from the former hero.

"Now that I have evolved my dark element, I'm going to destroy you losers, and make you regret for ruining my life."

Feeling responsible for their mess, the watch wearers want to approach their old friend. But they're halted by Amato.

"BoBoiBoy. I know you're mad at them for making you suffer. But you can't involve innocent people and power spheres in your mess. It wasn't their fault."

"Of course they do! All those pieces of junk are the cause of this mess if they don't exist! And I'm sick of saving many people for countless! Is this what I deserved for being a hero? Make myself worst?!"

Then GiGirGirl steps in.

"They all understand from what happened to you. Because I explained to everyone as you told me everything."

"You did?"

"Yeah. But you can't trust Excaliborg! I know it's your own choice to become evil, but he cares about nobody but his own goals. Like it happens to me. This is why I choose to betray him and joined TAPOPS because I have learned the truth. And you wouldn't believe it. I am your-"

"You don't need to tell me that... Sister."


GGG becomes confused, as her brother seems to have to figure out what she's trying to say.

So Kurai begins to explain.




When Kurai sneaks inside of the space station, just to track down the hero that he's tasked to kill as a part of their deal.

By using portals to teleport himself there. Even using invisibility to infiltrate himself.

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