Chapter Thirty Nine: The Sun, The Moon, and All of Their Stars

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A lone leaf, colored like a brilliant ruby, slowly fell to the side of Elewen's tiny head.

It tickled her cheek on its way down, and the baby squirmed atop her knit blanket.

Why did her parents insist on putting her in such demobilizing garments? Her thick jumper, a pale pink color, made the little babe nothing more than an overstuffed plush. Her knit pants that covered her feet made the girl whine lowly: how on earth was she supposed to kick under these conditions?!

Elewen's two-toned eyes blinked up at the twilight as more and more leaves continued to fall. A gentle but cold wind hit her face, and she blinked in confusion.

Since when had it gotten so cold? It didn't feel like that long ago she was bound to her warm home inside the woman who'd birthed her: serene and quiet.

Now, the poor thing couldn't even yawn without being swarmed by so many strange people!

More and more, the leaves fell about Elewen.

It wasn't bad, though. She was happy most of the day, either sleeping or eating or being smothered with kisses and attention by the two people she had a sneaking suspicion created her.

Elewen liked them too: when she cried, they came sprinting to her. When she smiled, they smiled back at her and kissed her small face. They let her sleep on their chests (much more comfortable than her crib, in her opinion) and took her on long walks where she got to see people who looked like her father and tiny beings that tickled her nose.

The food was good, she couldn't quite complain. Baths were amazing too: if Elewen put the charm on hard enough, her parents would sometimes get in too! It was more fun that way, the tub was far too big for just the one baby.

The people who came to visit their home were also fun: every time Elewen saw them, they had a new toy in hand and a new story to whisper to her as they bounced her up and down. She always giggled: how had her parents befriended such funny people?

Elewen grunted in frustration, wiggling on her blanket again.

The leaves falling around her were tempting and taunting. They teased Elewen with their flutters and vibrant colors, and with a huff, the babe turned over onto her stomach.

It was the journey of her lifetime: getting one of those bloody leaves.

She couldn't crawl yet, simply wiggle and reach out her chubby little arms. The leaves were taunting her, and the babe was drawn to their alluring colors.

It was with a triumphant cry that Elewen slammed her small fist atop the leaf; she got it!

The babe lifted her tiny hand expecting to see the vibrant leaf in her grip.

The smashed remains of the autumn icon were all that remained, stuck to the skin of Elewen's palm.

Slowly, the baby's face contorted into one of distress.

Her lip and brow quivered, and Elewen's eyes scrunched shut as she released an upset cry.

She whimpered, kicking her small feet as another disheartened cry bubbled past her lips.

It was then that the little one was lifted into the air, and a soothing voice broke into Elewen's cries.

"What has you so upset, little star?"

The voice instantly made Elewen's cries bubble down. Her view of the sky was obscured by platinum and starlight, and she was hoisted up midair by her armpits.

A familiar face came into slight focus, and Elewen forgot what made her so upset in the first place.


Purity in the Stars *Maleficent: Mistress of Evil- Udo Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now