Chapter Fourty: The End, But Also The Beginning

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Yuna was late.

So late.

To her own graduation, none the less!

Hurriedly, her heels clacked away as she raced down the polished wooden floors of Ulstead University. It was a grand institution, really: comprised of several separate buildings all which held their own respective study, the school certainly had a budget.

There was Olympia Hall, the school of mathematics. Dragomir Hall, the school of astronomy. Adjacent was Leonte Hall, the school of literature, and Urzica Hall; the school of music.

Across campus, which was rich and green with old gothic architecture, rested Codreanu Hall and Parasca Hall; the first being the school of theatre, the second being linguistics.

Finally, the Hall that Yuna had bustled about for seven hundred and thirty days;

Mountbatten Hall, the school of science and medicine.

It was certainly the most beautiful of the schools: a stained glass roof allowed a natural array of colors to always be occupying the main foyer of the building, bleeding with sunlight and whimsy. In certain sections of the school, open ceilings allowed for grand trees to sprout through the building with spiral staircases looping about their mighty trunks to allow students to get to their classes.

Lounges were compromised of rich velvet seats with padded and woodwork that belonged in a museum, and crackling fireplaces that light up the chandeliers dangling from the ceiling like fireflies buzzing over a clear lake.

Hardwood floors and deep emerald wallpapers with a soft floral print lined the hallways, as did the busts of past deans and professors of the school and exquisitely crafted pendants and paintings.

It was quite the wondrous hall, and quite the amazing university.

Somehow, Yuna mused, she'd gotten a full ride scholarship. Not even just that; she had managed to score a fully paid internship with Ulstead's Royal Hospital and Medical Center. Not only did the university want Yuna to attend, but she got paid for it!

Yuna's dark robes flowed behind her like black wings catching a breeze, and she adjusted her cap with a huff.

'There must be some old wive's tale that it's actually good luck to show up late to your own commencement, right?' She mused.

It wasn't Yuna's fault, really.

She had a two year old, for heaven's sake!

Also, a baby on the way.

Well, not her baby, but we'll get to that.

Attending university while juggling a loving marriage and a temperamental toddler: Yuna deserved a reward.

Well, the reward was technically her diploma.

Her golden cords signified her honor's placement, and Yuna bore them proudly atop her shoulders. It certainly wasn't easy, she'd cut a four year program into just two. Two winter and spring semesters, two summer semester, and a winter intersession where she crammed in more classes than seemed humanly possible in just six weeks.

It was one of the mose difficult things she'd ever done, but by the gods, she did it.

It would've been impossible if she didn't have a very particular fey.

Yuna could see the oak double doors just feet in front of her, and she smoothed down her gown once more.

Not the grand entrance she envisioned making on her much desired commencement day, but she found herself not particularly caring.

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