Chapter 16

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Jungkook looks at your father. "You had a tip this whole time? It wasn't from video footage?" 

"It wasn't. The note asked for me to keep it a secret that I received it. It says to tell Y/n thank you and to stay safe. I got it two weeks before finding her."

"And I sent Gayeon away a week and a half before he got that letter. I strongly believe that when she left, she went to find him and tell him where I was before disappearing for good. As long as Mr. Min and Mr. Kim are running around like this, she has to stay away."

"What about her little sister?" 

"She hid her sister. When you took me home, I found this in my room. I'm assuming it's from her." 

They look at the letter you've been carrying around. 

"Her sister is safe, I checked on her this morning. When it's safe, she'll get her sister."

They all read the letter and sigh. 

"So she was a good guy on the bad guys team this whole time?" 

"She was just stuck. She needed a little help. She promises to do only good from now on. So please stop looking for her. We might just lead them to her or her sister. The numbers on the tip dad received are for me. They have nothing to do with the case so don't focus on that too much."

They all nod in agreement and hand the letter back to you. 

"What do we do now?" 

"We need to figure out where they are hiding. Wait for them to slip up. Someone is bound to come out at some point. How else are they going to survive?"

You look at Jungkook. "Someone has to be running errands for them." 

"You're right. They have to have someone on the outside getting their intel and gathering stuff for them." 

"I think I know who that is too."

They all look at you. 


"Now that none of them are following you around or taking turns being my guard." 

"By the way, stop sneaking off from them." 

"Listen... Before I left, I figured out who all the spies were but I needed proof. I never got a chance to tell you."


"BLACK6IX and Gayeon weren't the only ones spying on us. They were able to get people on the inside. They knew who I was and used that to get in. They are pretty clever and good at acting. We trusted them as our allies. But VIXX will always be our enemies."


Jimin sighs. "Tae's right. He did notice they were acting strange and tried to warn us."

Jungkook sighs. "We need to search the club for bugs."

"We need to search here too. They've never been in here but that doesn't mean they didn't follow you all when you weren't paying attention." 

You look around at the men. "We have to be sneaky about searching. Don't let them know we discovered the truth yet."

"Right, turn the tables on them. How'd you learn about them anyways?" 

"I took Tae's words seriously and did some digging. It's on the laptop. I didn't have proof and didn't want to confront them without that proof. I saw what Tae was seeing."

Taehyung smiles at you. "She's the only logical person here. Thank you for listening to me." 

You smile back at him before reviewing what you found. 

I'll Protect You Book 2 (Min Yoongi x Reader) - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now