Chapter 5

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It's been a month and your vitals haven't changed much. The scans show your body isn't healing the way they were expecting. 

Your brain is still swollen but not as bad as before. It's almost back to normal. You haven't woken up or moved yet though. 

...You still dream... 

Namjoon and the others work to piece everything together. 

The four boys that never leave your side, work right there in your room. They won't give up till they make the men who hurt you pay. 

The boys get information from Jackson which helps give them a lead or at least a push in the right direction.

The 7 work with Mr. Kim and Mr. Jeon to find your attackers and figure out what it is you discovered before being kidnapped. 

None of them have figured out as much as you did but they are close. It's right under their nose but they can't see it like you did.



Yoongi walks into your room after going home to shower and change. He walks over to the bed and sits as Jungkook walks into the room as well. 

"Jimin. Taehyung. Your turn. Go home and shower. Try to sleep and eat something before coming back."

The two nod and walk towards the door. They look at you and sigh. They watch as Yoongi pulls something out of a bag and lays it across your lap. They all smile and tears fall from their eyes. 

"Her blanket." 

"I found it in a box labeled her stuff. I had to bring it for good luck."

Jungkook nods and Jimin looks at Yoongi. "I'm proud of you for remembering. Thanks hyung." 

Yoongi smiles. "She needs all the luck she can get right?" 

Jimin nods before leaving the room with Taehyung.


Mr. Jeon walks in and looks at the two boys. "You guys always make sure someone is here. I like that about you guys." 

"Dad is there any update?" 

"It's been a week since anything changed. Her body isn't getting any better. They think this is as far as it'll go."

Yoongi looks at you and Jungkook narrows his eyes. "What's that mean?" 

"If there is no change within the next few days, they are talking about taking the vent out." 

Jungkook stands. "SHE'LL DIE THEN!" 

"Son, she's suffering like this. She's not going to wake up."

Jungkook shakes his head and cries while Yoongi sobs with his head on your arm. 

"She has to." 

"It's been a month or so now. No one knows how long her body was like that before she got help. All they have is an estimate of two weeks. She got a little better but not drastically."

Yoongi shakes his head. "We can't give up on her sir. We can't." 

"I know Yoongi. But we have to accept that she isn't getting better. She isn't breathing on her own and her heart is too weak. If she doesn't get better by Friday or wake up, then we have to pull the plug. I'm sorry."

Jungkook sits down and stares at you. "That's in three days." 

"I know son." Mr. Jeon is crying now too. 

I'll Protect You Book 2 (Min Yoongi x Reader) - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now