Chapter 9

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It's the next day and everyone is now trying to walk in your shoes. Trying to look at the case the same way you would. 

They start to think that Yoongi and Taehyung might have been on the right path. Their father's may have actually been involved.

The neurologist is still studying your results while the others wait. 



Right now it's Jimin and Yoongi in your room with your father. Jungkook and Taehyung are on their way to the hospital after getting word of your results being back.

As soon as the two show up, Mr. Jeon tells the doctor they're ready. 

The resident walks in first and smiles. "You'll be happy with the results. I hope." 

The others smile at her. Good news. Just what they were hoping for.

The doctor walks in and shuts the door. 

Everyone sits on the couch while the two doctors pull a chair over. 

"Ok. I have studied everything. It's just as I expected. She wasn't reacting to any of your stories."

"I thought this was good news?" 

"It is. When you all started to talk to her directly. Tried to get her attention. Well at first it didn't work. You would start to talk and it wasn't registering but the more you went on, her brain waves changed. Like she was reacting to your voices."

"But we never saw her move." 

"Correct. Mentally she was reacting. The waves show that she's not fully registering that she's asleep and that the voices she's hearing are you guys, here in the real world. It's possible she can't make out what you're saying."

"So she can hear us?" 

"When you speak to her directly, yes. She won't register it at first. You really have to get her attention. Eventually your voices were reaching her and she was reacting. As if she was trying to find the voices, or figure out what they were saying."

"If we can get to her and get her to realize she's sleeping, we can wake her up right?" 

"It's a possibility. I recommend you try talking directly to her. Try to get her to realize that you are here and that she's sleeping. Mention that she's safe and sound. She needs to hear that."

They all nod. "If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask. Right now it's just working to get her to realize she's not actually experiencing those events, that she's in a hospital bed, surrounded by people she loves. Safe... I heard her story. Her mind shut down from trauma."

"So it's just getting her past this bump then she'll be making better progress?" 

"Yes. If we can get her to show more function and realize she's in control, we can get her to wake up. Maybe. Let's take it one step at a time ok?" 

"Thank you."

The four boys return to your side and begin talking to you. 

The doctor looks at your father. 

"There's something else you aren't telling them." 

"She might have permanent brain damage sir. It's possible the trauma from her accident will keep her from ever waking up."

"How long do you think she has?" 

"If we can't get her to wake up or get these dreams under control, maybe a week or 2. It's causing to much stress on her heart. She's constantly living in fear. Her body is too tense. Her heart won't be able to take much more... I'm sorry."

I'll Protect You Book 2 (Min Yoongi x Reader) - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now