Chapter 12: Talking

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A/N: Just putting this out there, the following was not my original idea, it's based off of what MizuToriWP did in their story of Thank You. Full credit for how this scene starts out goes to them, and I highly recommend reading it.

Yaoyorozu was never one to think badly of herself, but after getting what could be only compared to as curb stomped by Tokoyami? Anyone would say that feelings of self loathing are deserved.

She's currently sitting in an abandoned hallway within the stadium, trying her best to keep the tears in her eyes from falling. She was the Vice President of Class 1-A, she couldn't be seen as weak. Right?

With all these other thoughts in her mind, she couldn't tell that there were footsteps approaching, then suddenly stopped not to far away from where she sat.


She whipped her head up at that, looking for whoever said her name. Then her eyes rested on you, standing a few feet away with your jacket in your hands and a glimpse of worry on your face.

Understanding that she finally registered you, you gave a little wave in greeting, before that same weird 'voice' filled Yaoyorozu's head.

Can I sit here?

She noticed you were pointing beside her, and after a moment she felt herself nodding, scooting over to allow you some more room.

You sat down, and Yaoyorozu slowly started to notice the unease coming from you. Finally, it seemed that you had gained a bit of courage and spoke, well, somewhat spoke first.

I know how your feeling Yaoyorozu. So I figured you could use someone to talk to, and I'm as good a listener as any.

She thought about it for a moment, and figured you were right. And before she even realized it, she was talking. "To be honest, I don't know how I feel right now. I had a plan, I had a strategy, but before I could do anything, I was already out of bounds. I'm such a failure as a hero."

She stared down at the ground next to her feet when she finished, not even trying to hide the tears that now freely fell from her eyes. What else could she be described as? She failed in a fight that she had a plan for. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts again that she barely even registered the hand that found its way onto her shoulder.

"Your wrong. You are not a failure as a hero."

Hearing actual words come from you surprised her, and she practically whirled her head around to face you, making you lean back on instinct, removing your hand from her shoulder in the process. The first time she had heard your voice, it was barely even a whisper back at the USJ. Hearing it clearly now was, nice. It was different.

She stared at you for a moment, before relaxing against the wall again, resuming her stare to the floor. "But I am a failure. I didn't do anything, and as soon as Tokoyami started his attack, my plan went right out the window."

"Again, your wrong. Not to be brash, but so what if you lost? Not every hero has a win streak, we all lose sometimes." Yaoyorozu looked over at you, trying to read the emotions hidden on your face. "Think of it like a learning experience. Review what happened in your mind, and pick out what went wrong and where. Then, the next time your faced with an overpowered opponent like Tokoyami, remember what happened, and use that experience to win the next fight."

She stared at you for a moment, processing your words. She understood them, but couldn't fully appreciate your effort. Though one thing was starting to bug her, an itch in the back of her mind, but she couldn't quite place a finger on it. "You said you know how I feel, right? Well, I guess it's my turn to not mean to be brash, but what happened to you? Your just as if not more overpowered than Tokoyami is."

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