Chapter 7: Declarations and Requests

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A couple days have passed since the incident at the USJ, and school is now resuming for class 1-A. You had woken up a bit earlier than usual, and decided that you might as well take the scenic route to school.

You got your school uniform on and threw your jacket over top, and then left your home. Well, the term home is debatable. Your really just staying in a spare room in your teacher Aizawa's home.

Part of you being at U.A. was the fact that Aizawa had agreed to look after you. At first you had disagreed, not really wanting to, but when you found out that he taught at the best school for training hero's, it wasn't even up for debate. You just kinda went with it, not really letting anyone know why you had suddenly changed your mind.

Aizawa didn't seem to care either way, and for the most part, living with you wasn't so bad. You normally kept to yourself, didn't bother him with things like food or money, and you generally helped around the rundown apartment. Just because Aizawa was an underground hero, doesn't mean he should live like he's underground.

All these thoughts flew through your head, the edges of your mouth threatening to permit a small smile. The train you took led you to a nicer neighborhood, apartment buildings here and there, and some rather nice looking houses.

You checked the time on your phone, and seeing that school didn't start for another half hour, you decided to walk from there.

You kept your head down, not wanting to draw attention to yourself. After a few minutes of walking, you realize you were subconsciously rubbing the spot on your head where you had received the most injury.

The wound was only superficial, not causing any real damage other than bleeding, but that didn't mean it wasn't sore. Recovery Girl may have healed you, but it seems that she can't take away the after pain.

Shoving your hand back into your jacket pocket, you look up to see one of the apartment complexes. But that's not what caught your attention. You were getting better at sensing other people's energies, those with a stronger quirk stood above the others, and you could feel someone familiar.

You stopped and tried to figure out how, when a flash of green caught your attention. Down the stairs came Midoriya, his bright red shoes looking out of place with his grey and white school uniform.

You thought for a moment whether you should just leave him be or not, but then decide against it, as before he left this morning, Aizawa had asked you to be more social.

What he didn't understand was how hard it was for you. Talking to people wasn't your strong suit, and given your past, no one could blame you if they knew. But there's the catch. No one did. And you wanted it that way.

You let some of it slip when the Bakugo had come to drop your jacket off in Recovery Girl's office, but luckily he didn't press the subject, and just left when the nurse of U.A. returned.

So, here you are now, walking at a slower pace to catch Midoriya as he walked out onto the sidewalk.

Hey Midoriya, it's uh, been a minute.

Startled, the greenette turned around, slightly jumping at the sudden voice in his head. He relaxed when he saw you standing there, eyes trained to the ground a few feet in front of you. He then got super energetic when he realized it was you, standing there after receiving a major beat down a few days prior.

"Y-y/n!! Are you a-alright? How a-are you f-feeling?"

You inch backwards at the sudden outburst, but respond relatively quickly.

I'm alright, though I should be asking you that.

"Oh, w-well I'm fine, thanks to Recovery Girl, s-she has one a-amazing quirk."

Quiet Power (Saiyan quirk male reader x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now