Chapter 10: Cavalries and Rivalries

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The light was blinding, at least for a moment. Running out of the dark hallway back into the very sun lit stadium would hurt anyone's eyes, at least for a moment or two. When you stepped back into the stadium, you squinted a little bit, the glare of the sun catching your immediate attention. 

You ran for a few more feet, before slowing down and stopping. The crowd was cheering very loudly. It was like they all saw their celebrity crush. You realized very quickly that they were cheering for you, as you had finished second. It wasn't long after that realization did you think to look around for Midoriya before you had a panic attack. 

You had a small plan, and it involved Midoriya. He didn't know it, but you were going to stick near him. Somehow, being around him made up for not having your jacket. It was strangely calming being near the greenette, and you didn't know if it was because he was your friend, or if it was just his general attitude. 

You quickly spotted him, a shouting Bakugo not far from him. According to Present Mic over the speakers, he had finished fourth, placing behind Todoroki by just a second. He seemed to not be taking it well. 

Walking over, you elbow Midoriya in the side lightly, drawing his attention. When he turned towards you, you could've sworn someone had killed his favorite pet, because he was on the verge of tears. Your concerned expression must've tipped him off, becuase he quickly wiped them away with his sleeve. 

"D-Don't worry y/n, t-this just happens s-sometimes."

Nodding in understanding, you realize you were calmed down, at least a little bit. It was either because you focused on him, or if it was being near him. You were fine with either, as you could somewhat stand the constant screaming of the crowd, their attention on you and your fellow students. 

"Wow Deku! You placed first! And look at you y/n, you placed second!"

You and Midoriya both turn to see Uraraka walking towards the two of you. You nodded to her in greetings, and Midoriya did a little wave, sighing. You wondered what he had to sigh about, until you realized that it was his first place ranking was what the sigh was for. 

"Y-yeah, I decided to try a-and make my mark, t-though I don't know h-how well it worked."

"Are you kidding? From what I heard, you didn't use your quirk once! And y/n! Don't scare us like that, you had me and Tsu really fearful for you!"

You looked to the ground in shame, rubbing the back of your head. You really didn't mean to scare them, walking off the edge of the gap like that. All you could do was say sorry, which is what you decided to do. 

Sorry Uraraka, I truly didn't mean to scare the two of you. What place did you end up getting?

"Well I managed to place 17th, just before Yaoyorozu I think. Oh, I saw what you did to help her out, that was pretty cool of you y/n!

Midoriya just looked on in confusion, as he had managed to get ahead at the time you basically flicked Mineta off of her back. You looked even further down at the ground, a little embarrassed. You didn't plan on doing it, it just kind of happened. From what you've gathered about him from others in your class, he has quite the special quirk, even if a little bland. His motive for being in the hero course however, is a different story. Not something fitting of a hero.


You looked up at the big screen, seeing Mineta somehow managing to take that placement. How, you weren't exactly sure, as he fell pretty hard. Shrugging, you looked over the other placements. Seems that your entire class had managed to take a placement, the two lowest being Mineta and Aoyama Yuga. 

Quiet Power (Saiyan quirk male reader x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now