A Trial of Clues

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•Kokichi's PoV•

My eyes slowly opened. I squinted, my eyes adjusting to the light. Shuichi was gently shaking me awake...? His expression softened when he saw my eyes open and he stopped shaking me. "Hehe.. hey sleepy. It's uh... T-Time for the class trial." He said. I frowned "Oh.." I said quietly, sitting up slowly. "H-Hey.. it's gonna be okay." He said. I could tell he was also nervous but he was trying to push his fear down... for me... I smiled "I-I know you'll figure this out... my beloved Shumai~" I said teasingly. He blushed and hid his face "K-Kokichi... C-Cmon.." he said, getting up. I giggled and got up, taking his hand. We walked to the trial grounds hand in hand, Maki, Kaito, and Himiko waited for us. I remembered how distraught Himiko was the last time I saw her... I looked at Shuichi. He nodded. I let go of his hand and ran up to Himiko. She looked to me and smiled, I hugged her tightly as Shuichi walked up. "Took you guys long enough." Maki said. I stopped hugging Himiko and smiled "Th-Thanks Oma." She said quietly "Kokichi." I replied. She smiled as the trial grounds opened up. Unlike the past two trials I was confident, calm, and collected. Just like Shuichi.

As Monokuma announced the rules of the class trial as usual I started to feel more and more nervous... I got a pit in my stomach...

I hate being here.

Shuichi gave me a reassuring look from across the room which made me feel better... "So.... Monokuma.. which case should we discuss first?" Shuichi asked "Well... the first body that was discovered is the only one that matters. Sooo, essentially, Tenko's death doesn't count!" Monokuma said. Himiko flinched "Wh-What?! So you're saying that Tenko's m-murder didn't matter?! And the killer won't be punished?!" Himiko asked frantically "Unless the killer for both Angie and Tenko is the same.... Nope!!" Monokuma said menacingly. "Whaa..? That doesn't seem fair!" I said. "Huh.... Well.. even if it isn't fair to Tenko... we need to solve this. S-So, shall we start?" Shuichi asked. I didn't blame him for wanting this to be over and done with... "Yes.. now, let's discuss the state of the body." Maki said. "Yeah... Me and Kokichi noticed something odd about her body.... there was duct tape under her." Shuichi said. "Noted. Now, how about her injuries? I saw that—" Maki started "Hey!! St- Stop it!!! I c-can't let this go! Tenko deserves justice! Not this! Angie was my friend but we can't just brush off what happened to Tenko!!" Himiko yelled.

I couldn't blame her... If something ever happened to Shuichi I....

I got chills. I thought about the little Shuichi doll. God thank Tsumugi....

"You're right Himiko. Even if only Angie's death mattered. We still need justice for Tenko!" Shuichi said. "I agree with that!" I said. "I do too." Maki said. "Same here!" Kaito said. "Gonta agrees!" Gonta said. "Thanks guys..." Himiko said quietly. "Right. Let's start with the seance. Obviously, the prime suspects are me, Himiko, Kiyo, and Kokichi, since we were the ones involved with the seance. There isn't any reason to deflect or deny just yet. I'm not accusing anyone until I'm positive." Shuichi said. God I admire him... He's such a great detective~

I smiled at the thought but quickly let it go. I shot Himiko a comforting glance before turning back to Shuichi. She smiled back as Shu continued to talk about the murder. "Hmm... there's nothing to go off of yet but.. hmm well let's start with the cause and time of death." I said "Good idea, Oma." Maki said. I smiled at her acknowledging me and nodded. "Right. So, let's figure out the... cause of death..." Shuichi said. We all nodded and began thinking "Hmm... we'll let's think of what could be possible." Maki said. "I did notice something weird when we were singing The Caged Child Song..." Himiko said "What is it?" I asked "There was a loud bang right in the middle of it..." she replied. "I noticed that too...." Shuichi said. I nodded "Hmm yeah... it sounded kind of like something banged or stomped on the floor." I said. Shuichi nodded "Well let's keep in in mind." Maki said. We all nodded "Although in not quite sure what we should discuss next." Shuichi said. "Well, perhaps you could start with all the clues you discovered during the investigation?" Korekiyo said. Shuichi nodded and began...

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