Never again

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(TW: Mentions of self harm. Please look for the emoji 🔴)

• Third POV •

Shuichi stopped hugging Kokichi "just please never do this again" "..." "please... you don't deserve this" "okay" Kokichi handed him the switch blade and Shuichi washed it and put it in his pocket, he led Kokichi back to bed and they both layed down together in silence, Kokichi pulled his sleeve over the bandages and looked away "Hey.. it's ok you know" Shuichi said "Huh?" "I'm going to help you" Shuichi smiled and then pulled Kokichi closer "you'll help me?" Kokichi looked up at him
"I'll help you"

" will?"

"I'll help you, I promise"

Both of the boys fell asleep soon after, holding one another

• Shuichi's POV •

*knock knock knock*

"Nyeeh Shuichi! Come on out! You and Kokichi are literally the last ones to breakfast! It's suspicious.." I heard Himiko say "Degenerate males.." Tenko mumbled. I sat up tired and realised I had fallen asleep cuddling Kokichi and my cheeks flushed pink "come ON Shuichi! What's taking so long!" Himiko said annoyed "s-sorry! Just a sec Himiko!" "Nyeeh okaaay.." I quickly got dressed and brushed my hair then I regretfully woke up Kokichi. "Mmmphhh.." "cmon Kokichi! Himiko and Tenko are outside and they want us at breakfast or else we'll be suspicious!" "Nngh.. okaaay.." Kokichi slowly got up and dressed though he didn't bother to brush his messy hair and we walked out to see Himiko and Tenko "What took you so looongg... Why is Kokichi in your room Shuichi?" Tenko asked "Hey yeah! Why is that" Himiko asked, I blushed bright red but before I could say anything Kokichi said "We we're playing Uno" "All... night?" Tenko asked "don't question our life choices" Kokichi said "alright?" Tenko said "anyway breakfast!" Himiko said and ran off "Himiko wait!" Tenko said and she ran off too "Good save.." I said sheepishly "Eh thank me later" he said shrugging "anyway let's go" he said and we walked off together towards the dining hall.

When we entered the dining hall Kaito greeted me and asked how I was doing. When we sat down together with Himiko, Tenko, and Maki, I had noticed somthing, Kokichi had always been sitting alone so I got his attention from across the room and motioned him to come over and sit with us. At first he shook his head but I insisted with a look and he eventually came over and sat down next to me "huh? Kokichi what are you doing here?" Kaito asked suspiciously "oh! Shumai asked me here! Didn't you Shumai" he said, I could tell he had panicked "I did" I smiled "huh well okay then... if it's okay with Shuichi then it's okay with me!" Kaito said "Oh brother.." Maki mumbled "aawww it's an honour to be hated by the one- the only! Maki Harukawa!!" He exclaimed throwing his arms up in the air dramatically. I giggled and so did Kaito a bit, Maki just rolled her eyes as did Tenko, Himiko giggled a bit as well. "Ugh..." Maki grumbled "Here is your food" Kirumi soda as she put six plates down in front of each of us "Woahhhh! How'd you carry all six at once?!" Kokichi asked "Simple, a lot of training" Kirumi replied "Cool! Thanks mom!" "Yeah, thank you Kirumi!" I said and so did everyone else.

*An after breakfast time skip brought to you by Himiko and Tenko being adorable together*

"Hey Shumai?" Kokichi said as we were walking out of the dining hall "yeah?" I asked "do you want to hang out again today?" He asked looking up at me "Sure" I smiled "Okay! I was thinking we could go toooo..." his voice trailed off as he thought "hmm.." I said also lost in thought. He had eventually thought of something but he didn't tell me what it was, he just said that he needed a table for it so I followed him until we found a table and two chairs so we sat down "So Saihara-Chan, for this game I'm going to need  my knife back..." he said, I was about to object but I decided that if it was just for this game then it would be okay "alright.." he looked happy as I handed him the knife. "Soo what's this for?" "You know what the knife game is right?" "The knife game?" "You place your palm on the table with your fingers apart. With the knife, stab in between your fingers." He explained as he began to do it at a rapid pace "What?! That's so dangerous!" "It's a test of guts that's for sure! It's a challenge!" He had stopped his demonstration "But this is...really dangerous... what if you get hurt?" I said concerned  "hm, what are you talking about? Saihara-Chan if you lose..." he began "you will be beyond injured, y'know? You'll die." I knew he was joking but it was still a little unsettling "I'll make the first move, okay?"

He spread his fingers on the table, then lifted the knife...
I had never seen him so serious before. Is that what an ultimate supreme leader looks like...?
"I'm ready!" He exclaimed suddenly


He's so fast! If he can do that...


"Ouch!" "K-Kokichi!?"
Blood oozed from Kokichi's hand. I sprung into action and grabbed his wrist.
"You don't have to keep going, stop! Just stay still, I'll get it..."

I found a nearby first aid kit and clumsily tended to Kokichi's cut.

All the while Kokichi was...


Laughing. Laughing as if he were having the time of his life.

"Okay I think that's good. What do you think?" I asked him frowning

"It wasn't a deep cut, so that'll do. Thanks for treating my injury, Shumai."


"Aww maaaaan, I lost! Congrats Shumai! You win!" He said happily "But I didn't do it yet... I'm still the winner?" I asked puzzled by his strange rules "Well, I messed up. So yeah. You win by default." "Plus, I finally fulfilled my objective..." "Objective...?" I asked "To kill you, Saihara-Chan." "But I'm alive..??" I asked, even more confused that before "I made your heart *die* with worry didn't I?" He asked. I sighed " Maybe a bit..." he laughed a little "Could I have the knife back now?" I asked him "Hm..?" He hummed "Just in case..." "Okay.." he said and then handed over the knife

• Third POV •

"Thanks for trusting me" Shuichi smiled gently "Nooo problemo, Shumai!" Both boys stood up "Do you want to walk?" Shuichi asked. The smaller boy nodded "Okay then let's go"

They started heading to the same bench as yesterday where they sat down once more. Shuichi looked up at the sky for a while before feeling something fall onto his shoulder. He looked over to see Kokichi's head on his shoulder, he was asleep. Shuichi's face flushed a bright red before dying down quickly in the cold air. Shuichi noticed that he was also tired and he rested his head on Kokichi's.

They stayed there for a while.

A/N  W O R D S: 1189
Lol idk what to put here

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