A Date...?

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(TW: Extreme self harm, mentions of extreme self harm, nightmares. If you don't want to read, please look for the emoji 🔴)

• Third POV •

5:00 pm

Shuichi waited outside in the huge dome that surrounded him until he heard "Heeeyy!"
The smaller boy ran up to him, out of breath " Hey Shumai!" "Hi!- uh Sh-Shumai..?" Shuichi questioned "it's a nickname silly! Ooo! Give me one!" He was bouncing up and down on his toes "uhh... how about.. Koki?" Kokichi gasped dramatically "I love it Shumai!!" He jumped up and down excitedly "Nee hee! Ok ok let's walk now!" "Oh alright" Shuichi smiled at him and they began to walk and chat, somtimes just letting the silence be and enjoying the fresh air (I sound like a boomer omg-)

• Shuchi's POV •

"Hey Kokichi." "Hm?" "Sorry if this is p-personal but.. uh why was there a blood stain on your sleeve earlier..?" He flinched "Um.. no reason..." he said quietly " did somebody try to hurt you.. or..." "no no! Not that Nee hee hee! It's just nothing.." he said, I was still a little suspicious but decided to let it go for now "Oh ok.."

• Shuichi's POV •

It was quiet for a while until "Hey Shumai! Come here!" He said breaking the silence and he ran ahead a bit and sat on a bench I soon joined him "Its nice isn't it?" He asked me "Yeah... it is" I said smiling at the sky "kind of makes me forget I'm in a killing game" "aww Shumai you just made me remember!" He said and then pouted. I laughed at him being dramatic about everything, his pout changed to a sweet smile, it was the most adorable thing ever I swear- "Nee hee hee!" He laughed and I felt my face heat up a little.

Kokichi turned his face to the sky and closed his eyes, he looked so calm... we stayed there like that until-

*Ding Dong*

*Bing Bong*

The nighttime announcement. Darn "aw maaan" Kokichi said "Well Saihara-Chan I'll see you tomorrow, soo cya!" He quickly jumped up, waved, and started running. "U-uh bye!" I shouted before he disappeared into the night. I quickly headed back to my room as well and fell asleep.

*Knock knock knock knock knock*

I was woken up to hasty knocking on my door. "Huh?" I groaned tired, I heard a muffled voice "Pl—se Saih—a—han ope- —e -oor" "Kokichi said franticly "Kokichi?" I said and with out a second thought i opened the door and saw that it was in fact Kokichi "S-Saihara-Chan.." he said quietly, he looked like he had been through hell and back. "Kokichi what happened..?" "S-Sombody is in m-my room.." he said shaking. I froze "S-Sombody is in your room?" I asked, now just as shaken as he was.

"C-can you tell me what happened Kokichi?" "O-okay..." I was aware that this could be one of his lies but I got the feeling he wasn't lying this time, he had never acted like this before so I decided to trust him this time. "I-I woke up to get some water a-and I dropped something when I stood up and so I when w-went to pick it up I saw s-someone under m-my bed... a-and instead of running I screamed and they s-started to crawl out a-and I ran here as f-fast as I could.." he explained as calmly as he could and I was horrified. He has started to cry but he tried to keep in his sobs so the potential killer wouldn't hear him "Hey hey" I said, I needed to comfort him so he could feel safe again. I gently took his hand and lead him inside my room, leaving him for a minute to close and lock the door, then I went straight back to him after and he was sobbing I slowly wrapped my arms around him hugging tightly to calm him down. He eventually hugged me back and stopped crying, we stayed like that for a bit before his cheeks flushed and he pulled away, he stayed quiet though "..." "Well Kokichi I'm not letting you stay in your room tonight." "W-What?" He asked "There might b-be a trap in there.. a-and I'm not going to let you get hurt!" I said, determined "But where else am I gonna go...?" He asked, I blushed knowing he would have to stay in my room "You c-can stay in my room" his cheeks flushed an ever brighter pink.. if that was possible "R-Really..?" "Yes" "....Okay..." he still seemed nervous but he slowly sat on the floor next to my bed curling his head up to his knees, I frowned at this "Hey.. you can get In if you want" I tried to give him a comforting smile as I walked over to my bed and got in myself. "H-huh?" He looked surprised but he slowly got in anyway "..." I smiled gently and pulled the covers over us both. I turned on my side to look at him, as did he "Well.. *yawn* Goodnigh.. Shuumai.." he said closing his eyes and sluring his words a bit "goodnight Kokichi..." I smiled before drifting off to sleep myself...


I was woken up abruptly by Kokichi breathing heavily and tossing and turning while shaking violently. I sat up not knowing what to do for a seconds before I remembered that nightmares exist, I started trying to wake him up "Kokichi! Kokichi wake up!" When he did he looked terrible, tired and scared. "Hey hey what was that about?" I asked "... a n-nightmare.." I sat him up and took his hand, I didn't even notice my face heating up when I did "do you want to tell me about it..?"

• Third POV •

Shuichi held the boys hand "N-Not really.." Kokichi said "Okay.. but if you ever want to talk then I'm here" Shuichi have a gentle smile and Kokichi gave a weak one "Thanks Shumai... I'll be right back" Kokichi said getting an itchy feeling in his wrists "Okay then.. goodnight" Shuichi smiled and layed down and quickly fell asleep.

Kokichi felt an urge to do it again so he took out his switch blade  and wandered into the bathroom and shut the door, he started to slash his arm over and over and over... this was one of his most painful sessions yet but he kept going until he couldn't hold it in anymore the words of his past swirled around his head
Your worthless
All you do is lie
"Haaaah.... haaahh.. hhhh..."
Kokichi was slightly light headed thanks to the hyperventilating and loss of blood, but then he realised he had no bandages and he began to get scared until- "K-Kokichi!!!" Shuichi ran over to the smaller boy and carefully pulled the switch blade out of his arm. Shuichi looked at the boys arm in shock and then started looking for bandages and he eventually found some and started applying pressure and bandaging Kokichi's arm "Ah!" "S-sorry.."
Eventually Shuichi finished and he just looked at Kokichi's arm with a frown, Kokichi was on the verge of tears "Hey... hey.. it's okay" "huh..?" "I'm not mad at you... I'm just a little surprised.. you don't seem the type" "..." "how long..?" "Almost three years" Shuichi flinched "Th-three?" "Yep" A tear rolled down Kokichi's cheek, Shuichi wiped it away "Do you want to talk about it?" "..." "It's okay if you don't Kokichi.. just know that I'm here for you" Shuichi smiled gently and then hugged him

 just know that I'm here for you" Shuichi smiled gently and then hugged him

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A/N   W O R D S: 1306

Author-Chan here! I'm not doing frequent updates unfortunately (dam I can't keep up w that) I'll just be doing updates when I feel like it <3

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