And so it began...

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• Kokichi's PoV •

"So..." he said slowly

And so it began...

He told me about all the dysmorphia, the surgery, the hurt, the feeling trapped, me occasionally asking questions. Him being so open about all of this made me feel better about asking these things...

By the end of the explication he was crying. "I-I'm sorry.. I-I'm just being e-emotional.." he said in between sobs "Hey, it's ok!" I said mimicking his words when he comforted me "You have nothing to worry about Shumai. Anyone would get emotional" I said, taking his hands and smiling. I let go of one hand and wiped his tears away "Th-Thank you..." he said also smiling.

*Ding Dong Bing Bong!*

"Rise and shine, Ursine!"

"It's a new morning! And you know what that means!" Monophanie shouted ".....what does it mean monosuke....?" Monotaro asked timidly. Monosuke simply sighed. "LETS-ALL-GET-ALONG-TODAY" Monodam said robotically.

"So long, Bear well!"

"Ugh I hate them so muuuuuchhh" I said "I don't blame you" he said. We got up and got changed and in to time we were out of the door. When we got to the dining hall, what we expected was the nice calm dining hall we had had for a while now. What we got was absolute chaos. We looked at each other sheepishly before walking in. "Oh, hey guys." Maki said as if nothing was wrong "Uhhh.... what's going on here, Maki?" Shuichi asked. Maki sighed "Keebo got in a fight with Miu about her being to lewd and.. everyone took a side and then....." She looked around "...This started." She closed her eyes in frustration, pinching the bridge of her nose. Himiko and Tenko were with us this time so I took the opportunity "Hey Himiko, Tenko, Whaaats up with those weird meeting you guys keep having? It's creeping me out." I said giving them a confused expression. They looked at each other. "Oh that... Angie decided that we should start a student council... Me, Tenko, Tsumugi, Angie, and Keebo are in it. She thought we could patrol the outside at night to prevent any more killing..." Himiko said "Oh, okay cool! Just curious, that's all..." I said, making a mental note of it. We ate breakfast as quietly as we could, trying to ignore what was going on around us. We (Maki, Kaito, Shuichi, and Kokichi. Himiko and Tenko wanted to hang out alone today) all decided to hang out together today so we went outside to the area where Maki, Kaito, and Shuichi train, to attempt to hang out there without Monokuma interfering. We sat down on a few benches and started talking about nothing in particular. Before we knew it, it was quite dark but none of us minded to much.

Eventually the student council booted us from our spot before we could actually train so, we all said goodbye and walked to our rooms.

• Shuichi's PoV •

As we got changed and into bed Kokichi looked a little sad... "Whats wrong?" I asked "......I'm fine..." he replied "You know, it's alright to say you're not okay.." he let out a sniffle. "What's bothering you?" I asked "J-Just..... I don't know.... I-I guess it's just th-the situation we're in.. l-like... we were talking with Maki a-and Kaito about how to escape... that's not a normal thing friends should talk about!" He said. I hugged him instantly, pulling him into my lap. I was a little embarrassed at this but instinct took over and I couldn't stop it. He shivered in my arms and I laid us both down, pulling the covers up so we were both covered completely. I threaded my fingers in his hair and pressed my lips against his cheek. He had calmed down by now...



"Can you hold my hand?" He asked. I honestly loved this side of him. Like it was a part of him that only I was allowed to see, he was delicate and adorable like this and he was always clingy. "Y-Yes! Why do you ask?" I intertwined my fingers with his and used my other hand to stroke his cheek. "I just thought I should..." he said sleepily "That was nice of you, but, don't feel the need. You don't have to ask me. You are my b-boyfriend after all" I said, the heat rushing to my face. "Okay..." he said, slurring his words slightly. I giggled a little and smiled at him. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer. He felt so close... I liked that. I was going to let him know how much I really cared. Tomorrow, I'm going to set up a date! A-And it's gonna be awesome... Well, as awesome as a date can be in a killing game haha...

A/N  W O R D S:
Heyaaa! It's me again lol. So sorry that this chapter was so overdue, I know how annoying it can be when a story hasn't been updated in like 7 years lol- but I've just been finding it a little hard to write recently (something happened with my friends and I felt like trash for it lol) but I'm fine now :) sorry for the novel lol, thanks for reading!


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