For you, Kokichi

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• Shuichi's PoV •

We walked over to the cafeteria and, of course, the doors were shut. Miu walked over to them and tried her best to heave them open, but she failed "Ugh! Why dont these stupid doors open?" She shouted in frustration "Puhuhuhu~ Well maybe I could help you with that~" a voice we knew all too well announced... "Monokuma..." Kokichi scowled "Who else? Now, the cafeteria doors are closed for a reason that you don't know yet~" Monokuma said "Is everyone still in there?" I asked, gaining some confidence "Puhuhuhu, well, you'd have to go in to find out~" "Ugh! If you won't tell us, then I'm finding out myself!!" Kokichi yelled, walking over to the doors "Keeboy?! Maki?! Kaito?! Himiko?! Tenko?! Angie?!! Guys are you in there?!" Kokichi yelled through the doors. Muffled voices came through the doors so, it was safe to assume that they were in there... "Oh g-d... w-re in h-re K-kic-i." Somebody, probably Maki, said "Ok good." Kokichi said as he stood back.

"Let them out Monokuma!" Kokichi yelled "Ehhh, I could.... but I won't!!!" Monokuma said, and then disappeared "Eh?! Hey! I'm not done with you!!" Kokichi yelled "Kokichi.." I said putting a hand on his shoulder. He sighed "I know." Kokichi said "But I have to help them!" His ultimate talent was really shining through, I suppose this is what an Ultimate Supreme Leader does. "Pfft, what could a rat like you do?!" Miu said, laughing "Uh, Gonta thinks that Kokichi is right. We no can just leave friends!" Gonta said "There have been four deaths so far, and as the Ultimate Supreme Leader, I *have* to help somehow!" Kokichi said, determined to help his friends. I honestly didn't know he cared that much, he certainly didn't act like it...

Kokichi, still determined to help, ran to the back of the hall and suddenly charged at the door, his small figure raming it with a bang. "Kokichi!" I said as he charged back to do it again. I decided I couldn't just stand there either, so I joined him in bashing the door. But I wasn't doing much...

Eventually Miu and Gonta joined us and mostly thanks to Gonta we were actually doing some damage! The doors had a reasonable dent in them, "Guys!! STAND BACK!!" Kokichi yelled through the door as we charged with a shout one final time and the door burst open and we all fell to the floor with a-


"N-Nyeh?!" Himiko said "W-Were okay!" I said "Guys! Even though most of you were degenerate males.. you got us out!" Tenko said, offering me a hand. "Thank you, Tenko!" I said taking her hand and standing up. Kokichi gave me a sad look as I let go of Tenko's hand and she instantly grabbed Himiko's hand instead. I frowned at him... Was he jealous?

"Well, thank you all for allowing us to get out of the cafeteria. Now I am going to head off to my Ultimate lab" Kiyo said walking off while everyone else got up. "I think I will head off to my ultimate lab as well!" Angie said cheerfully, skipping off with a paintbrush in hand, "Should we go outside?" Himiko asked Tenko "Of course, Himiko!" Tenko replied as they walked off together. I walked over to the lonely looking Kokichi and took his hand "Eh?" He said as I started walking "Where are we going Shuichi?" He asked "Just wait" I said, a newfound confidence growing im my heart.

We walked outside and we saw Tenko and Himiko chatting. We walked right past them and right to the bench we always sat on. Kokichi looked confused as we sat down, the sun had begun to set and the grass was coated in an orange light, illuminating the whole outside. I pulled out his favourite drink, grape Panta, and handed it to him. His face lit up "Thanks Shuichi!" He said, exited. I simply smiled in return, enjoying the moment and his gentle lavender eyes looking up at me. I felt a thump and I looked down to see Kokichi's head on my shoulder, I laid my head on his, intertwining his fingers with mine as we watched the sunset.

• Kokichi's PoV •

We sat there together, I loved feeling safe and wanted by him... it was such a warm and welcoming feeling, knowing he was by my side no matter what, knowing that he loved me and I loved him. It was so sweet...

I wanted it to last forever...

And I will make sure it does.

I smiled to myself as my eyes fluttered closed, the gentle breeze flowing through the air. "Hey..." Shuichi said "Yeah?"

"Remember when we were here last?" He asked "Mhm, it was probably the best day ever.." I said opening my eyes to see him blushing "Y-yeah, me too." He said, looking back at me. I laughed

"I love you"

"I love you too"

A/N W O R D S:
Thanks for reading :3 sorry for the lack of chapters again lol (I'm in mikan cosplay rn 🍩👄🥯) go check out my one shot book if you want :)


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