Fun Time

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Fun Time

The gym was alive with the cries of the martial arts club. Katara was focused on her studies on the bleachers as usual, but it was becoming harder and harder to concentrate. It probably had something to do with the overly playful mood that Toph seemed to be in. She was not participating in the sparring, but that did not stop her from enjoying putting someone else in pain.

"Please, Toph?" Aang whined.

"Please what, Twinkle Toes?" Toph asked from Aang's lap.

"Please get off. My legs are killing me! The coach has been running me like crazy for skipping school and practice."

"You shouldn't have said anything about it to him," Toph said. "You never rat yourself out."

"I didn't mean to!" Aang groaned. "He just asked me how my date went, so I told him! It just slipped out!"

"Well, I think it serves you right," Katara said, looking up from her books. "You shouldn't have cut class just to go out on a date. I still can't believe you did it. You're risking your grades and scholarship, you know."

"Let it go, Sugar Queen," Toph frowned. "That was a week ago! His grades are fine and so are mine. Why can't you just have some fun sometimes?"

"I have fun," Katara replied. "I played with you guys at the field that one time, didn't I?"

"Yeah, and you also said that our game sounded like a hospital trip waiting to happen."

"But I still played."

"We pretty much had to force you. You wouldn't ever do anything wild or crazy on your own."

"Fine!" Katara yelled. "I'll show you that I can be fun! What do you want to do?"

"Are you serious?" Toph asked with a grin.

"Yes! You name it, I'm there. Anything you want!"

Toph cocked her head to the side and gave it some thought. This was going to have to be something really good. It was not often that Katara would pull herself away from her beloved books and Zuko to spend some time cutting loose. Then a very devious, wicked thought popped into Toph's head. An evil sneer appeared on her face.

"Anything?" she asked.

"Anything at all," Katara answered, clear determination in her voice.

"Alright then, you're gonna spend the weekend with me," Toph told her. "We're gonna have some real fun."

"This weekend?" Katara asked hesitantly. "But I have to get ready for-"

"See? Katara no fun," Toph cut her off. "Oh well, guess you wouldn't have been able to hang anyway."

"Why not just do it, Katara?" Aang asked. "You're the smartest student in the school. What harm could one fun filled weekend do? Besides, I hear that all work and no play really can fry your brain. That and I wanna have some major fun!"

"No way, Twinkle Toes," Toph said. "This weekend is us girls only."

"What?" Aang whined. "But what about-"

"You're legs are bugging you too much anyway," Toph told him as she wiggled around on his lap. He let out a pained groan in response.

Just us girls, huh? Katara thought. She wouldn't do anything too crazy if it were just the two of us right? I mean after all, I'm not as wild as Zuko or Aang and she knows that. Right?

"Okay, you're on," Katara agreed. "When do you want to meet up?"

"Just be awake bright and early on Saturday, Sugar Queen," Toph said. "I'll be by to get you."

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