Saturday, Part 1

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Saturday Part 1

Before the alarm clock even finished its first annoying beep, Aang's hand slammed on top of it. He had been entirely too excited to sleep last night and had been bouncing from one end of his room to the other. The day was finally here! After a horribly long, busy, and draining week, it was here! Saturday, one full day of freedom! Aang pushed himself through three exams, four pop quizzes, and a two thousand word paper in the past week, not to mention the stress his coach was pushing onto him for the track meet tomorrow. Then again, that track meet was the whole reason he got today off!

The thing that really made the week nearly unbearable was not his classes or team though. Toph had joined the new Martial Arts Club. Not that Aang thought it was a bad thing, but she hadn't had time for him all week. But that was during the week! Today he was going to spend the day with her, and even get to go to her club meeting. He was in and out of the shower in record time before donning a green t-shirt with yellow tiger stripes running down the sides, and a pair of blue jeans.

Toph paced angrily in her room. Right about now she had planned to be waiting near Katara's house for Aang since her parents still did not know that he was back. That was one yelling match she still did not want to have. Unfortunately, her parents had other plans for her today. They were supposed to be entertaining one of her father's business partners and the man's family. This included his seventeen year old son that everyone thought would "get along well" with her.

As if, she had thought at the time. What was worse was the fact that her mother had ordered the servants that Toph was to be "presentable" for the day. Toph could not tell exactly what she was wearing, but she could definitely feel the stupid little frills all over her. And the skirt. Then of course there was the complicated collection of hair ornaments and ties that the servants had said was a beautiful and recent style that held up her hair.

"I'd give anything for Twinkle Toes to just suddenly pop up and . . ."

"Drag you out the window like I used to?"

Toph whipped around and charged for her open window as she kicked off the high heels she had been forced into. Without even thinking about it, she jumped for the opening and felt Aang's hand take hold of hers and pull her out with him. It was just like when they were kids. As they ran for the wall of the estate, Toph remembered back when Aang would boost her up and she pull him up afterwards, but that was before his little growth spurt.

Aang stopped just short of the wall and turned with his hands ready for Toph's foot. She leaped into it and he propelled her easily over the wall and quickly followed after. Neither stopped running until they were a few blocks down the road.

"Can you still see it?" Toph asked as she slowed her pace.

"We're clear," Aang confirmed as he followed her lead. "What are you wearing?!"

Laughter burst from Aang as he suddenly took notice of the white frill and lace that his friend was trapped in. Toph scowled menacingly as she began to rip at the ornaments in her hair.

"They made me, alright?" she yelled. "Do you have any idea what they were gonna make me do?"

"Do I want to?" Aang asked hesitantly.

"I don't even wanna think about it!"

Toph finally managed to pull most of the decorations out of her long, raven black hair, letting cascade down nearly to her waist, and turned her attention directly to Aang. She reached out for him and ran her hand over his chest with an unreadable look on her face.

"What's up?" Aang asked, blushing slightly.

Without any warning whatsoever, Toph pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it aside. Aang couldn't help but stare at her pale skin. Even her bra was lacy. Aang mentally kicked himself and turned his back to her as he blushed more furiously.

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