Shopping For Friends

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The next few days passed in a hazy blur of shopping and party preparation. While Katara and Ty Lee focused their energies in the kitchen on the menu, Toph was free to do her Christmas shopping with Aang. And Kuzon. It was still annoying that he had to follow them everywhere, but Toph dealt with it. Her father was always going to be her father after all.

Toph and Aang had gone to every kind of store from antique to souvenir, and even a book store. As they sifted through the counters and shelves of the stores, Aang pointed out a few things that looked like they might make good gifts. When Toph made the suggestion getting Zuko the Kama Sutra, Aang blushed furiously and turned the idea down. But she did manage to convince him to buy a "World's Greatest Mom" mug for Katara.

As much as she was enjoying herself, Toph could not help but notice that Aang seemed distracted the entire time. He was just being so distant. He had not even laughed at the mug like she thought that he would.

"What's buggin' you, Twinkle Toes?" she finally asked him.

"Huh? Nothing, I'm good," Aang replied. He did not seem to be lying, but he was definitely keeping something to himself. How to get it out of him was the real problem. So, Toph did the only thing she knew that would get his full attention.

"Aang." He stopped in mid stride and turned to face her. She hardly ever called him by name. "If something's bothering you, or you have somewhere else to be, it's okay to let me know."

Aang smiled brightly as he put his arm around Toph's shoulders.

"It's okay," he said. "I just have a little something I'm working on, but it can wait until we're finished."

"Alright," Toph replied. "But if you're staying up and not eating again, I'm gonna pound you. You can't be sick on Christmas."

"Yes, Ma'am!" Aang saluted.

In what seemed like no time at all, December the twenty-fourth was upon them. Toph stood at the main entrance of her house with Aang and Kuzon for one final day of shopping with her parents seeing her off.

"Remember, Katara's gonna be here soon to start the cooking," Toph said.

"We know, dear," Huiliang replied.

"And she's got a lot to do, so she might need some help," Toph continued. "Since everyone else is off for the holidays, I'm willing to leave Kuzon here with her to give her a hand."

"Nice try," Lao said. "Your mother and I will give Katara any help she may need."

Toph frowned as she and Aang were escorted to the car to pick up the last few items with their chaperon. Aang was a lot more energetic than in the past few days, but Toph could feel he was still preoccupied with whatever he was working on back at his dorm. Better not to bring it up. After the last time, he knows not to keep important stuff from me.

"So, read me off the list again," Toph said.

"We already got Katara the sapphire necklace and the mug. Your mom is getting that charm bracelet with yours, your dad's, and your mom's zodiac signs on it. Suki is getting the palm pilot. Iroh's getting the tea leaves and herbs. Then we got Katara's dad that model ship."

"We got Ty Lee the giant teddy bear, Mom and Dad said not to worry about getting Kuzon anything," Toph finished for him.

"That leaves your dad, Zuko, Sokka, and Azula," Aang said. "I've never met her, what is she like?"

"Crazy smart," Toph replied. "Like real crazy smart."

"That doesn't help much."

"We'll figure something out."

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