Valentine's Day

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Valentine's Day

"Are you sure it's okay, Tophy?" Ty Lee asked from inside the large closet. "They're all so fancy and must have cost a fortune. Won't your parents be upset?"

"I won't miss any of 'em, and they're off for their second honeymoon," Toph replied from the bed. "If you find one that fits, you can have. You said you needed something for your school dance anyway right?"

"You're so my hero right now! I couldn't find anything in my closet, but I didn't to ask Daddy for a new outfit," Ty Lee explained. "And speaking of dances; are you going to yours tonight?"


"Aw, why not? Didn't Aang ask you?"

"No," Toph repeated. "Hot Head and Sugar Queen are going, but Twinkle Toes didn't even ask me. Not that I'd say yes, but he could have at least asked."

"Why don't you ask him about it when you get to school?"

"Cause then he'll think something's wrong, and then something in his bald little head is gonna think he has to fix it, so then he'll ask me to go, I'll say no, then he'll keep asking until I cave, and by the end of the day I'm gonna wanna kill 'im."

"Wow," Ty Lee gasped. "You know him pretty well, don't you?"

"I guess."

Later that morning, Toph's attitude had not improved much. For some reason, Aang not asking her to the dance was nagging at her brain. Of course she really did not want to go to the dance, but she was curious as to why he did not ask her. Zuko and Katara's mushy, fluffiness was not helping matters either. Katara was sitting in Zuko's lap and they were being completely idiotic. What was it about Valentine's Day that seemed to rip the shame out of people when it came to public displays of affection? They were so wrapped up in each other that it was actually getting sickening to be around. Deciding that just about anywhere would be better, Toph headed out of the cafeteria to find Twinkle Toes.

Aang was running more late than usual that morning. Without giving it much thought, Toph figured that he was up on the roof of the science wing. That was where he would always disappear to. If June was up there with him, Toph was going to be sure that the third year had a very bad day. She was in no mood for that girl.

Just then, a gentle sound found Toph. It was very faint, but sweet and familiar. She recognized it as a flute. Aang's flute. But it was not coming from the school roof at all. It was coming from the dorm. What was he still doing there? Toph followed the airy melody around the cafeteria and across the street. It was not the same tune that he had played for her at Christmas, but it was just as beautiful. It was lighter and much less intimate than her song.

Aang must be in a pretty good mood, she thought.

When she reached the dorm building it had become quite clear that Aang was not inside, but on top. He always did have a thing for high places. After climbing up the ridiculous number of stairs to the roof, Toph found him swinging his legs over the edge of the building. Toph planted herself next to him, but he just continued playing.

As she listened to his music, Toph could feel her spirits rising. A smile met her lips, and nothing else seemed to matter as long as Aang continued his song. She no longer cared why he had not asked her to the dance, just that he was there with her. She chuckled almost silently to herself as she thought she must be going soft. It was not until Aang had stopped playing that Toph had realized that she had turned and was leaning her back against him. His light jacket was pretty comfy.

"So, what's up?" she asked. "Why the concert?"

"I dunno," Aang answered. "I watched the sunrise this morning, and I just felt like playing."

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