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"It's ready my lord"

The man in black and red clothes walked towards the machine. "I want you to try it"

"W-What? But it's going to kill the citizens"

"Do I care?"

The young man swallowed and looked at the kingdom. He than pulled the trigger. A beam of red light came out of the gun that looked like a sniper rifle, it hit the ground than exploded. It was a big explosion it was like a combination of 4 bombs.

"Perfect! This is amazing!!" The lord laugh.

"M-My lord when are evading Magic?" The young man said while bowing.


The young man looked up at the lord surprised. "I-I'm sorry my lord but today? Are we even ready?"

"Come with me"

The young man followed the lord to his desk.

"Look at this"

The lord showed the young man a clip. It was the most recent fight between the underworld and Magic. You can clearly see Magic slowly breaking down their army dying.

"You see that?"

The young man nodded.

"It's going to be too easy. Break their barrier with the new gun you just used than raid their world and capture the special one and we can have their world" The lord said than started laughing uncontrollably.

The young man looked down and felt bad for the other world.


"Finally!!!" Students turned their heads towards the loud voice. Lisa laughed.

"Your so loud Limario" Jisoo said. She had her ears covered.

"I was waiting for his moment! You guys coming to school with you guys being together!"

"Don't need to be that loud" Jennie said embarrassed because some of the students heard what Lisa said.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Chaeyoung said clapping in happiness.

"Thanks Chae"

The bell suddenly rang. They all looked at each other with a drained face. Their class was at the top top floor. Their old class needed some fixing and it ended up getting moved to the college floors which is the highest floor.

"Run!!" Lisa screamed. That made all four of them rush up the stairs.

"We are going to be late!! And die!!" Lisa screamed again. "Shut up!!" Jennie yelled back. She didn't want to feel more panicked.


The door to the class room slide open. The teacher stopped talking and looked towards the door.

"I'm sorry! We were at the bottom of the school and had to run up here!" Lisa said while bowing with her hands together.

"It's fine but next time please make sure to manage your time, now have a seat"

"Yes ma'am!" Lisa said in relief.

It feels different... Jisoo thought as she took a seat next Jennie.

"Now for the those who just came in please open to page. 789"

Fuck! Of course I forgot my books Jisoo thought while putting her head and mentally groaning.


"The homework is due in 2 days!! Remember all of the questions is on page. 789 so you shouldn't have any problems"

Jisoo yawed and groaned while exiting out of the classroom. "Maybe it was a bad idea going back to school"

Jennie lightly hit Jisoo's shoulder. "Don't say that" Jisoo rubbed her shoulder and shrugged.

"Well it's time to eat!" Lisa said happily.

"Let's get chicken! I'll pay!" Jisoo offered. Lisa nodded immediately.

"Okay but let's not eat too much" Jennie said not wanting Lisa and Jisoo being too stuffed. Chaeyoung nodded agreeing with Jennie.

"Then let's go!!"


The door to the principal office opened harshly. The principal looked up to see the person.

"Kang... what do you want?" The principal said while placing down his pen.

Kang walked towards the principal and sat down on the chair in front of the desk.

"I need backup"

The principal shook his head and lightly chuckled. "I told you I can't give you backup"

"They're attacking Seo-joon!"

"Then why are here? Aren't you suppose to be in the battlefield?"

Kang's hand turned into a fist. "They told me I can go while I try to get backup"

"Kang! I can't give you backup! My college students have a life! Most of them never fought in a war! They aren't ready!"

"I-" Kang sighed. "I don't know what to do... they came back with better weapons, new monsters... my army their slowly falling apart"

The door opened harshly again. The principal stood up seeing his assistant's panicked face.

"Seo, the underworld! They broke through!"

"What!" Kang said while checking his phone hoping someone sent him a message.

"They are invading the city now!!"

The principal quickly scrambled to a bookshelf. He pushed it and behind it was 2 buttons.

He pressed the blue one it made a shield around the school then he pressed the other one which teleports all of the students back into the school.

Then he went to the mic to announce it.

"All students please stay calm, please stay inside of the school and not out in the open"

You can hear students scream as the news goes around. The door opened again.

"What's going?! Chaeyoung got hurt!" Jisoo said sightly yelling. Kang quickly rushed to Chaeyoung she was holding her shoulder.

"It's going to be okay. Sit down so I can see your cut" Kang ordered Chaeyoung and she did as told.

"It's not that bad your going to be okay" Kang said while healing the wound with his magic.

"What's going on? We got attacked while eating than got teleported back to school"

"The underworld managed to break through our military they are now in the city attacking"

"What?" Jisoo said in shock.

"They are coming Jisoo, they are coming for you... they might just take over our world too"

Magic |Jensoo| Where stories live. Discover now