Jennie sat in her seat, not paying attention to the teacher. She stared at Jisoo's empty seat then looked through the window.
"Jennie Kim"
Jennie turned her head quickly, "Y-Yes"
"Please come up here"
Jennie had her head down embarrassed as she walked to the front of the class. The teacher handed Jennie a chalk.
"Solve question 15"
Jennie nodded, when the chalk hit the chalkboard Jennie went into full focus. The chalk rapidly tapped against the green chalkboard.
The teacher of course gave Jennie the hardest question on the broad but Jennie being the nerd she is, immediately understood the question and knew how to solve it.
Jennie gave the chalk back to the teacher when she was done.
"Good job" The teacher said not surprised that Jennie got it right.
Jennie then walked back to her seat and daydreamed about Jisoo for the rest of the class.
Jennie looked up with a questionable face. They just finished Range Training and Jennie is tying her shoelaces right now.
"What do you want to get for lunch"
"I don't know"
"How about the sandwich shop?"
"Irene will be joining us"
"Okay, I'm ready"
Jennie stood up grabbing her bag that had her extra clothes.
"Let's go then! I'm so hungry!" Lisa said running towards the metal double doors.
"Never understood, why Lisa is always so hungry" Irene said playing her keys in hand.
"It's Lisa" Chaeyoung simply answered
"My fav!!!"
"Lisa quiet down"
Lisa took a big bite of her bite then smiled at them with a mouthful of food.
"Yeah don't do that"
Jennie just stared at her sandwich not hungry
"You okay Jennie?"
Jennie lifted her head and nodded. Irene knew she was thinking about Jisoo.
"You don't need to worry about Jisoo, she's coming back, just one more day"
"Really? Just one more day?" Jennie asked all interested now.
"Yeah, she'll be coming back with her weapon too"
"I always wanted to see what Jisoo's weapon is" Lisa said taking a sip of her water.
"You'll be surprised at what it is, but for now eat up Jennie, Jisoo won't be happy if you didn't eat"
Jennie took a bit of her sandwich making Irene smile because knowing of how much Jisoo meant to Jennie.
"I've got you!!"
Jisoo caught a soldier in her right arm, while her left hand kept shooting down the monsters.
"Jisoo! I've got him!"
Jisoo nodded. Her gun turned into a scythe, she sliced all of the monsters, near her.
"Let's move on!"
Jisoo groaned as they saw a fallen angel with tons of monsters.
"Let's get this over with" Jisoo said spinning her scythe in hand.
"I could never!"
"Uh huh!!"
"Where's your evidence Miss. Detective Jennie"
"Right here Miss. Manoban"
Lisa and Jennie suddenly started to tussle with each other.
"Does these two always fight like that?"
"Yeah but not as violent as you and Jisoo"
Irene smiled cheekily at Chaeyoung.
"Yah!!! Lalisa!!"
Jennie chased Lisa around the large field. They just deiced to take a break from practicing for the tournament.
Lisa is running for her life and Jennie the one who's going to end her life. Chaeyoung and Irene sat on the grass watching the two.
"Yah!! Lisa, Jennie be careful of that stick!!" Chaeyoung yelled at them like a mother.
Irene smiled, happy that Jisoo found the three. She never seen Jisoo smile so big at someone but Jennie changed that.
"Ah I wonder how's my baby doing" Irene mumbled to herself as she laid on the grass and closed to her eyes to take a nap, she could still hear Lisa and Jennie screaming.
"This is relaxing"
Sorry it's a short chapter.

Magic |Jensoo|
FanfictionA Magical Academy Four special people Earth World Magic World Dark World Light World ---------- Magic World, the world where you can find angels, demons, and people with magic roaming around mindlessly, sleeping, eating, walking, living in their...