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The door made a beep sound indicating, Jennie has returned from her grocery shopping. Jisoo was still outside with her purple fluffy blanket around her and still smoking, she didn't hear the door beep.

Jennie grunt as she put the heavily bags onto the counter. Her eyes roamed around the room until she saw Jisoo outside of her balcony smoking. Suddenly anger rushed over Jennie.

She stormed towards the big sliding glass door. She slide the door open, catching Jisoo's attention.


Jennie grabbed the cigarette from Jisoo and threw it over the glass railing.

"Hey! I wasn't done yet..."

"Smoking!! Jisoo your sick! Look at your face! It's all red and sweaty!"

Jisoo didn't answer instead looked down feeling like she was being scolded from Suho.

"How much did smoke?"

Jisoo looked at the glass table. Jennie sighed.

"3? Seriously Jisoo? You should be laying down sleeping or resting"

"B-But I hate staying in bed all day!!"

"Your not getting your kiss today"

Jisoo's heart fell. "What?! B-But you said I could get a kiss on the lips!!"

"You smoked today, remember the deal"

Jisoo started whining like a toddler while Jennie tries to drag Jisoo's ass to the couch.

When Jennie successfully got Jisoo onto the couch. Jisoo finally stopped whining like a kid.

"Go watch TV while I cook"

"Do I get a kiss then?"


Jennie left Jisoo on the couch while Jisoo started to think about her recent life choices.


"One, Two, Thee!" Jennie counted trying to bring the heavy pot to another spot on the stove.

Jennie opened a cabin reaching for a bowl. She scooped some soup into the bowl.

She put the soup on the tray with a cup of hot water to rush down the medicine.


Jennie put the tray on the glass coffee table. Jennie touched Jisoo's forehead, it was burning hot.

Jennie slowly shook Jisoo.


"Jisoo let's eat"

Jisoo rubbed her eyes.

"Your sweating so much"

Jennie went to the bathroom to get a cold cloth. Jisoo sat there trying to get rid of the horrible headache.

"Jisoo look up"

She looked up. Jennie wiped the sweat off of Jisoo's face with the cold cloth and her neck. Jisoo suddenly hugged Jennie.

"I hate being sick"

"I know... I know"

Jisoo started coughing. Jennie patted Jisoo's back.

"Let's eat okay?"

Jisoo nodded and opened her mouth. Jennie scooped a spoonful of the soup. Her hand underneath the spoon. Jisoo chopped down onto the spoon.

"Is it good?"

Jisoo nodded. Jennie then gave Jisoo another spoonful of soup.

5 minutes later Jisoo finished the soup. Jennie gave Jisoo her medicine which Jisoo hesitantly accepted.

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