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It's been a month since everything happened. Things weren't great for the past month, citizens cried seeing their love ones dead, their house destroyed.

Things aren't great still but is way better than last month. Some buildings were rebuilt, and some places were restored.

Jisoo is sitting on the beach feeling the soft sand. She sighed as she watched the ocean.

"Hey, you going to tell Jennie?"

Jisoo suddenly felt the uneasy, guilt, and sad feeling she's been feeling for the past month.

Jisoo plans to go down to Earth and settle there. She doesn't want to live in the world full magic anymore, she'll visit once in awhile though. The memories here was painful and happy at the same time and Jisoo wants a fresh start.

"Yeah, I'm planning too" Jisoo said while drawing a heart on the sand.

Irene sighed. "You sure?" Jisoo stayed silent then stood up. "Yeah"

"It's really going to hurt her you know" Irene said looking at Jisoo but couldn't see her face.

Jisoo watched as the sun slowly goes down. "Yeah I know but she has to finish school and find her true magic like me and you did"

Irene walked towards Jisoo and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You should probably tell her now. You can't just leave right now"

Jisoo turned around to face Irene and Irene could see sadness in her eyes. "I know, I know... it's just that I don't know how to tell her, it's going to hurt a lot"

Irene smiled sightly trying to lighten up the mood. "It's going to hurt but I'm sure she'll understand. Go tell her right now she's standing at my car confused"

Jisoo had packed all of her stuff already it was in Irene's car. Jisoo spent as much time she can with Jennie but with the world trying to be restored it wasn't as fun.

With a heavy heart Jisoo followed Irene towards her car. That's where she saw Jennie standing there looking around but when Jennie spotted Jisoo, her lips turned into a smile. That made Jisoo smile too.

Jisoo approached Jennie and hugged her right away. "Hey, why did Irene-"

"I have to tell you something and you won't like it..." Jisoo said backing away from the hug to look Jennie right in her eyes..

"What's wrong?" Jennie asked while titling her head sightly. Jisoo looked down and took a big deep breath..

"I'm leaving this world"


Jisoo looked up to look at Jennie. "I'm going down to Earth that's why most of my clothes gone from our penthouse"

"Y-Your leaving? Why? I thought things were going good" Jennie said not knowing how to reacted to the news.

"It is but this place holds too much pain, the death of my mother, how I got this horrible scar from my foster parents but when I met you... you changed my life"

"Then why are you leaving? We can start again here" Jennie said feeling something roll down her cheek.

"Even if I start over here again... it will still trigger the memories too easily"

"I-Is this how your telling me that your breaking up with me?" Jennie asked while tears uncontrollably roll down her cheeks.

"No! No! I'm not! I'm just telling you that I'll be waiting for you down there" Jisoo said while wiping the tears away.

"W-Why can't I just come with you right now?"

"I know you want to come with me but learning your true magic is more important so that in the future there won't be a dangerous accident" Jisoo said hugging Jennie.

"W-Will you be waiting for me?"

"Of course" Jisoo said kissing Jennie's head. "I'll be waiting for you"

"Jisoo it's time to go, they are about to close the teleportation soon"

"Can I come?"

"Of course you can"


The lady checked everything on the computer and nodded. "It's ready, this will be the last teleportation for today"

Jennie tighten her grip on Jisoo's shirt. "Please don't leave" Jennie mumbled. Jisoo felt her heart drop. "I'm sorry my Mandu"

Jisoo kissed Jennie on the forehead. "It's going to come sooner than you think"

"I'm only in Sophomore... I have to go through college too" Jennie said.

"It's going to be alright college won't take long at all"

"I'm sorry to interrupt but the teleportation is about to close" The lady said.

Jisoo lifted Jennie's chin and kissed Jennie right in the lips.

"I'll wait for you" Jisoo whispered.

Jennie watched as Jisoo grabbed her two suitcase and walked towards the bright beam then she watched as Jisoo slowly fade into the bright light. Jisoo waved and smiled before completely disappearing.

She felt tears rolling down her cheeks again. Then a arm around her shoulder. "Let's get you home, Jisoo had ordered for you to move back with your friends" Irene said leading Jennie towards her car.

"H-How are you not sad or affect" Jennie asked while wiping her tears away.

Irene chuckled then sighed. "Jisoo traveled a lot when we were little. She had to go to certain places to find people who mastered element after element... after awhile I got used to it"

"Is that why she doesn't need to go to school?"

"Yes, things will go faster than you think and I think it's a good idea for you to find yourself a bit too. Jisoo might not look broken in the outside but right now she really does need to escape this world"

Jennie sniffled. "She'll keep her promise right?" She asked looking at Irene.

Irene smiled. "Of course she will, especially when it comes to you"

"Then I'll be waiting for her too"

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