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Louis sat, slightly amused but mostly worried, as his boyfriend scowled, looking through all the clothes in their wardrobe. The little huffs of annoyance Harry would let out every time he pushed a hanger aside too quickly and a t-shirt would fall to the ground seemed to get increasingly louder the more it happened, after a while he stopped picking up the ones that fell at his feet. Louis knew Harry had been stressed the past couple of days due to his tour coming up and having management on his back to make sure everything on his side was organised, choosing his outfit for the interview he had later that day just added to his frustration.

Louis slowly started towards the younger of the two and when he got to his side reached out to get a hold on his now seemingly angry boyfriend. As Harry turned to look at him, louis could see the flash of sadness flood through his eyes, all this pressure and stress had got to him and louis could see that clear as day.

" H love, come on" louis grips his hand tightly, knowing his harry needed the comfort. Harry looks down, fingers linked with Louis' smaller, but firmer hand, if someone were to ask Harry what his favourite part of Louis was, his hands would definitely be high on the list. They are gentle and careful and fit perfectly in his own and the way they circle round his waist when they cuddle at night makes Harry feel safe and loved but, the best part is he knows when to be rough and how to make Harry shiver in all the right ways.

"let's relax yeah?" Louis interrupts his thought while he rubs his thumb over the back of his loves hand, "want me to paint your nails darling?" Harry looks down at his perfectly manicured nails and he instantly decides he would rather have them painted by his boyfriend, so he lets a small smile slip and timidly nods his head.

Louis leads them to the living room and tells harry to sit and be patient, Louis leans down to his fragile looking boyfriend and places a simple peck on his lips before he stands up, wearing a shit eating grin, and bounds off to their shared bathroom knowing that was where the nail polish was kept.

Once Louis had come back, holding a tub, personalised with little drawings of Bruce and Clifford scattered all over the sides, filled with all the nail polish and other essentials harry insisted upon having. He sat himself down in front of the boy and placed the tub next to himself. As harry goes to pick the colour he wants louis grabs his hand.

"love, you relax okay. I'll choose" louis smiles up at him "I mean it's not like you'll hate whatever colour I pick, they are all yours, not even my sisters have this many H, maybe we need stop buying a new one every time we go shopping. I know I can see at least three pinks that are definitely the same shade" he teases the younger boy, urging a dimpled smile to appear across his face. He loves that smile.

While Louis is preoccupied by looking for the nail polish he wants, Harry slowly picks up the remover and takes off the black and purple polish already on his nails. He smiles softly knowing louis' will look a mess compared to his now but he knows it'll be just as beautiful, if not more so, because it was done with love. 

Louis picks through them all until his eyes land on a blue one, it reflects the perfect amount of blue in his own eyes and when tilted into the light splashes of green sparkled through. He let's himself smile, the smile he uses just for harry. So focused on looking at the colour he only snapped his eyes away when he heard a throat clearing.

"I brought that one because it made me think of you" harry smiled down "I was hoping you would pick it." Louis just smiled in return and then pulled a funny face, achieving his goal on making harry laugh, dimples on full display, eyes crinkling at the corners. Louis then takes the bottle, after admiring his beautiful boyfriend, and starts to paint the boys nails.

While painting, he starts humming along to a song he's had stuck in his head all day, otherwise, completely concentrated on making sure the polish is actually going on the nails, he may have gotten some on the edges, but feels quite proud that he hasn't completely messed them up. What he fails to notice is the way harry is looking down at him, nothing but pure love and affection in his eyes.

Every little negative feeling, all the frustration, anxiety and worry he had felt earlier had left him. He suddenly didn't care what top went with what trousers and what bandana to wear. None of that mattered because he is happy and in love, with the most beautiful man he has ever met, he's with louis.

"love you boo" harry using the little nickname he had given the boy back at the X-factor houses, made louis' heart swell and he knew that the spark inside him, the warmth and security he felt was identical to the feeling in the boy he got to love and call his own. They both fell in love with the spark they saw within one another.

"love you too, baby" Harry smiles down at that and blushes slightly, the nickname, even after many years, still having that kind of effect on him.

He was home.

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