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2 years of walls!!!!!


"The shift in the atmosphere as the wind that used to blow his hair around now runs right through him and leaves him with no sense of being. The touch of a person is something he now longs to feel more than ever, the unbearable pain of knowing he will never feel his mother's hug again hits his heart every time he seems to forget. A pinch to wake someone out of a dream, only this isn't a dream, this is the life of a ghost that spends his death floating and waiting until the light of the world fades so he can move on. 

"He never found his love, the only one that could keep him sane and steady. The only one that could let him know he is loved. He was met with words that stabbed him like a knife and fists that made his face burn red with the blood that kept him living. The ability to shut down his emotions would make him forget that he deserves the pain and instead embrace it as if it were a warm hug." 

Deleting everything he just wrote, Harry sits in the rocking chair in his mums lawn as he continues writing his english paper, having no success at all. The question at the top of the paper that he usually ignores, for the most part, has made him think more than ever about how much he feels, 'How would you feel if you died with regret?'. He never realised how little he understood his emotions, or lack thereof, before thinking so deeply about the presence of every little thing inside his own head. 

Tapping his fingers on the edge of the keyboard to try and trigger some memory of his smile but comes up empty when he remembers the reason he lost it completely. He remembers the day he died, the day he left and now Harry was all alone. His best friend left him for the freedom of peace he always wished to feel. Harry begged him to take him to, but the smile of him was the only thing he could see. The note he keeps by his side at all times and the sign off tattooed onto his heart. "I'll hold your hand until we meet in death." His only reminder that all of it was real. 

"As I walk I would miss the sound of my footsteps, when I ran I would miss the feeling of jumping in your arms. When I talk I would miss your laugh as the response. I would be dying as a ghost with all the regret of not missing you more when I was alive.

"I will walk and stamp my feet until they strain. I will run and run and run until some how I make it to you with a heaving breath. I will never open my mouth to speak because being silent means I won't have to miss the lack of your laugh."


The way his fingers press down so painfully onto the keys, the anger of being alone and knowing when he looks up he won't meet the smile he longs to see again. The lips he longs to kiss, the wish he would've kissed them when he got the chance.

"I would see him again. There is nothing in the world I would regret not doing if I died and got to hug his body again. Got to see the light spring back to his eyes and the smirk that plastered his lips. I would give the world for him and even in death he has my mind a mess. I take him wherever I go and I make promises that I hope he can hear. I would never regret dying if it meant I could feel his lips press to mine.

"I would never let him go, never again. I would hold on so tight that when the light fades and went to take us away we could never be separated." 

His fingers stop typing as he sits in the deafening silence of the outside. The silence of everything, almost as if the world had stopped moving, as if everything was quiet and peaceful but the pain he was feeling inside could be seen from space. 

Reading back what he wrote over and over until finally the painful sob that spluttered out of his lips hurts his chest. The overwhelming feeling of wanting to scream and cry for the loss of his everything making his eyes fog up and tears pour down his cheeks before he can even think twice. The unbearable miss of his touch, but the weight on his chest as if he was right in his arms, laying over him to relax his heart beat. He slowly brings his arms to wrap them around himself, "Louis" was the only word that continued to pour out of his mouth as he begged the air to bring him some comfort. 

The silent hush of wind surrounding his body as he sunk down off the chair and onto the floor. His large hands holding a tight grip on his hair as he kept sobbing out his name. adding little "I miss you's" whenever he could catch a small breath. 

The weight of arms over his shoulder he craved to feel more than anything. A voice he missed so much that he forced himself to listen to the videos he had of him. When they got drunk and held hands running around town, when they hugged at the end of the night before falling into bed next to one another to sleep. 

Heart wrenching sobs keep pouring out of his mouth and his vision goes fuzzy from the lack of oxygen going to his head. He falls back into the arms still holding onto his shoulders, tighter than ever. 

The breeze making the voice of his lou filter through the air, he can hear the distant sound of him whispering "I love you" back towards him, "Everything's gonna be okay" and the hug tightens. Pain filled cries fall from his lips as he realises it will never be okay, maybe he'll move forward but he never wants to be okay without him by his side. 

"Oh Harry, it's okay love. I'm here, I've got you." Curling up on himself as he lay in the cold, wet grass. The sun gone down and his mum home from work, comforting her son in the back garden. 

"mummy. It hurts." Coming out as a wail as he rolls himself so small so he can hide forever in his  mother's arms. 

"I know darling, I know." patting his back and rubbing circles every once in a while. while he sobs into her shoulder. 

After what felt like hours of continued crying his delusional head lifts up and the little tears left on his red, puffy face making it hard to form any kind of expression. Looking over his mums shoulder he sees him right there. 

His pretty smile, kind eyes and precious nose. Everything about him is still perfect, Harry thinks.

And after he manages to smile back he whispers the quietest "I love you" yet and lets more silent tears fall when he hears the "I love you more hazza" whispered through the wind before he curls himself tight into his mums arms once again. 



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