Late Mornings

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"Roughly made bed, a comfortable mess."

Under mounds of blankets the pair slept well into the morning. They had been up late, talking the night away, making promises filled with love.

"windchimes and birds could still be heard through the closed bedroom windows."

Louis could hear the faint sounds of the outside world hitting his ears gently. He feels warm and happy cuddling the beautiful green-eyed man he loves.

"Arms decorated with beautiful drawings, filled with different truths, their hold tightening."  

Louis feels Harry stir softly in his sleep and his body instinctively wraps itself closer, into a tight, unforgiving hold, completely unescapable. His curly haired boy looks undeniably beautiful, at peace in a deep unconsciousness. 

"A breeze, non-existent. Nothing to dim the flame from the sweet smelling candles."     

The older man could see, just out the corner of his eye, a small light coming in from the joint bathroom. After their long awaited bath, surrounded by candles and the flowers harry had picked, they were so wrapped up in each other they had forgotten to blow the flames out. Louis had let harry rest on his chest as the older boy had played with his unruly hair. Then they slowly washed and cleaned one another. Nothing sexual about it, if you ignore the cheeky pinches and slight brushes made by Louis. He could still hear the little giggles harry produced. He couldn't help it, his boy is perfect. Everything was just about love. 

"sheets folded neatly, a dull light rests upon them, no refraction, just a stillness. Unmatched."

The moment had to end eventually and be replaced with a new one. Both boys now awake, still sleepy with eyes half closed but conscious none the less. 

"morning baby" Louis recites, just like everyday. "Gotta get up it's almost noon." The beginning of the afternoon sun was drifting through the window, casting a shadow on both boys. 

"Louuuu, I wanna cuddle, please." Louis could never resist those gorgeous eyes staring up at him, filled with nothing but love. Of course Louis gives in but after five minutes he has to force himself out of his boyfriends grip and pulls on a pair of sweatpants. Then throws a t shirt and a pair of boxers at harry.

"Help?" Harry questioned,  showing a face full of false innocence. Louis lovingly rolled his eyes and moved forward to help the boy. 

"thank you beautiful, I love you." Louis blushed at the kind words directed at him and held out a hand, slowly feeling a bigger, softer hand filter through his own. His favourite. 

"Blankets askew. Warm and welcoming but lonely all the same." 

Harry goes to make the bed, giggling together because Louis refuses to let his hand fall from the safe grip of Harry's. Every once in a while the smaller boy will lean up on his tip toes and place kisses all over the younger boys face. 

"I love you" a soft whisper that barely makes it past the blue-eyed boys lips. Harry smiles down at him.

"I love you, Darling."  

"Melodic strumming, vibrating off the guitar that sits too close to the working fan."

As they walk hand in hand, still, towards the living room. Faint tanging noises are heard by them both. The instrument sitting close to the fan was playing an out of tune melody. The vibrations bouncing off the walls and echoing around the room. Harry wonders over, plucking up the guitar and powers off the fan. He then goes and sits on the sofa and starts playing a new melody of a song that he's been working on. All the while Louis stands there admiring his boy. Watching how he is both the clumsiest person he knows but also graceful and gentle. 

"The air smells like a fresh cup of tea that had been brewing for to long. A smell loved by some. Watch as the steam echo's around the room."

Louis wonders off into the kitchen. He does this every morning, even the days Harry isn't home. Subconsciously, He'll always boil the kettle, just enough for two. Set out their favourite mugs and get out a Yorkshire tea bag for himself and a green tea bag for his boyfriend, then grab a packet of biscuits and start helping himself before Harry sees. The whistling of the kettle pulls him back and he slowly pours the hot water into the mugs. Louis' having a beautiful Blue Jay on the side and Harry's, a little Robin sitting on a snowy branch. Their favourite. 

He can faintly hear little frustrated huffs leaving Harry's lips as the guitar keeps going out of tune mid song. He stalks back into the living room and sets the tea down on the table.

"more cuddles while it cools?" Harry moves the guitar onto the sofa beside himself and lunges into Louis' arms like his life depended on it. 

They fall into a comfortable silence, their heartbeats syncing up and their holds tightening on one another, like the other would suddenly disappear if they let go. Their Late morning cuddles are the antidote to whatever troubles come their way.

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