Long days of hoping to see you soon

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After the long days of busy work and shots of loneliness Harry gets to go home to his empty house and sleep in a cold bed, alone without his love next to him. Sinking into the icy feeling resting on his heart he closes his eyes and hopes for dreams and not just the blackout empty feeling holding his eyelids shut. 

Sheets usually so crisp and cold, the best type of feeling to get into bed, now only remind him of his lou who he isn't allowed to go see. He has to stay away for a little while because of bullshit people might see. Which is something both of them think is completely ridiculous considering they, not really subtly but kind of, hid from millions of people for the last ten years. 

Harry is sick of hiding, knowing that his husband had to go away on his own and he couldn't even be there to support him. The thought of Louis thinking he doesn't love him makes his head hurt and his heart feel like it's being slashed in two. Opening his eyes in a flash of a bad idea he raises from bed and throws on one of his worn down hoodies and tracksuit bottoms. Grabbing a backpack and throwing in a charger and toothbrush he puts on a pair of mismatched, which he didn't notice till he was halfway to the airport, pair of trainers and puts his headphones in. 

Sitting in the car in the parking spot he got from the practically empty, one in the morning, airport. He books a ticket to the next open flight to france. All he has to do is wait thirty minutes and then he can be on his way to see his little blue eyed angel of a husband. 

Not really thinking about anything besides just leaving, he remembers he didn't text louis to let him know but Harry has always loved a surprise so the excitement for seeing him brightens again and he is practically a look a like to a little boy who has just been given his favourite flavour of sweets. Giddy in his seat as he sits by the gate waiting for his call. When it's made you would never have seen someone moves as quickly as he did. 

After the short flight he's landing in the city of love and the smile adorning his face is completely untouchable by any angel around. Thanking the staff as he sets off the plane and tightens his backpack strap over his shoulders he wonders through the airport and calls on the first open taxi he sees. It only being around five in the morning, in the middle of winter, the sun is still completely asleep and the moon shines bright, living it's final hours in the sky. He puts his music up on full while he sits in the back of the car, the hotel comes into view and his smile returns to his face. Paying the driver and hoping out the car he wonders in.

Going up to the front desk he is instantly recognised by the woman behind the counter. Smiling up at her he politely asks for the key for room 3609, knowing that's where louis was staying he figured it was better to ask for the room specifically instead of the name. She can figure that out herself, he won't stop anything from happening. Smiling, he thanks her and heads towards the lift to go up. 

His heart feels almost completely full, the rush of excitement he feels from just doing something that in all honesty could make their whole situation worse. He has lost his will to care about anyone besides his family's happiness and his own. 

The ding of the elevator brings him out of his own head and he pushes his body forward towards the person he has always been drawn to. 

"...3606, 3607, 3608." whispering, he finally lets out a breath and clicks the key card over the lock. Pushing the door steadily open he hears the soft snores that Louis is letting out. You could blindfold him and he would be able to tell the source of the noise. 

He knows that if anyone saw him just standing there staring they would be, probably, highly concerned but that is honestly the last thing he is thinking about right now, what other people would think. He gets to watch the slow rise and fall of his partners chest, the cute little sniff he does with his nose when he is dreaming of something that makes him smile. The little hand he has scrunched on the blanket, Harry hopes he's wearing thick pyjamas underneath, It's cold as ice in the room and one blanket would surely be chilly. 

Harry has never wanted to burst into tears as quickly as he does standing there with no plan and nothing to wear bar the clothes he always has on his back. He has never wanted to be enough for a person more in his life. He needs himself to be enough for Louis. Someone as beautiful as Louis deserves to have everything. 

Trying to blink away the tears in his eyes, failing because he didn't even realise they has fallen down his cheeks already. He slips off his shoes and put his bag down, pulls of his jumper, chest bare but surprisingly warm. Louis has always warmed his heart. 

He climbs into bed behind Louis and clings onto his smaller body. The stir of his body and the quite yelp made, hits Harry's ears later than it should've because before he knows it the body is smothering him in the warmest hug he has ever felt. 

"Harry!" a small, sleep filled voice yells out happily, that smile could light the world. 

"Hi, little bear." Hugging back just as tight, he shoves his head into the soft brown that lays upon his loves head. 

"Fuck I missed you so much Lou." Tears hitting is face again when his husband hugs him to his own body, even closer. 

Gentle kisses are placed on Harry's chest and the feeling of love pools in his body as he goes oddly pliant while he is littered and marked up by his blue eyed boy. 

"missed you haz." Lifting his head up, Louis pecks his lips and seeing the tears he kisses them away as well. 

Moving to hold Louis' face with his hands he leans forward and kisses him so gentle and warm. The kind of kiss that tells the person you love them when you can't speak. Tells them you want them to hold you close and forever. 

Pulling back and seeing the sleepy face being made by Louis he pulls him towards his chest lightly and wraps him up completely. 

"Sleep my darling, I'm not gonna disappear. Be with you always." 

Not letting go of the tight grip they both have on each other they drift into a sleep in the early morning, they made it and won't let anything keep them apart. 

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