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As Louis stands in front of his dorm room mirror, bare besides his underwear, having absolutely no clue on what to wear for this weekends on campus halloween party. Clothes falling off of every surface from where he has chucked them in his blind frustration. It's gotten to the point where he sees no point in trying because it's taking all his brain to figure something out, he's going to throw on his fucking hedgehog onesie and call it a day.

Taking a breath, he calls his best friend Liam, who has been keeping his costume a secret, even though everyone knows he'll just dress up as a fireman.

Answering after the third ring with an "Hey lou, you right?" Louis practically screams his frustration down the phone to his friend. He hears laughing coming from the other end and no help at all.

"Payno, You're useless." Louis' will not give into pleading for anything. So he adds a "dressing up as a fireman is stupid." and hangs up the phone. He's petty, it's great.

Huffing out a breath and blatantly ignoring the incoming call from 'twat head.' He throws on some random jumper, a pair of sweatpants and his vans. Grabbing his phone and wallet heads out the door to the closest party shop to find something.

Upon arriving, he realises the time and he's pretty sure he is missing a lecture but he has given all hope on his future, he can't even pick a halloween costume how is he supposed to know what he wants to do for the rest of his life, and it's to the point he can't be fucked to care. Shaking his head a little at how extreme that is, he chuckles to himself before realising how stupid he probably looks and coughed before exiting the car.

Walking in and seeing how empty it is makes him remember that it's around two o'clock Thursday afternoon and prime time for quiet shopping. Going up to the costume section he stands there just as clueless as when he was practically naked in his room.

Before he can really think about it, he shouts a quiet "Fuck off." and flips off the ceiling, hoping someone up there will get the message that he is pissed, and closes his eyes, spins around and points to a costume.

Opening them, "Well..." Looking down at himself, a self satisfied hum is let out from in between his lightly bitten lips. "fairy princess, why not." Grabbing the costume down from the shelf and holding it in front of his body.

He smiles a little and says a soft, "I'll look hot." While he shrugs, he scours for his size and goes to the till to check out.

Reaching his room, he is practically pulling off his clothes to try on the costume. Once he pulls it on he really does let a happy smile slip out. His whole life, especially the last eight years have been difficult on him and the self confidence he had as a child vanished completely. He hated everything about the way he looked and being gay didn't help with all the teasing at school. Even when his friends would take the piss as a joke he almost had to stop breathing to hold back the tears that sat on the edge of his eyes.

When he moved away to London for university, he knew that it would be a fresh start, he could pretend to be someone else for a chance to be happy. He thought changing who he was was the only way to get through life unscalthed. Realising that the pain of a hurting heart is just apart of life, he said a huge 'fuck it' to the universe and let himself be free. So, at twenty one, he is completely and unapologetically himself and for the most part, happy.

Smiling, he suddenly can't wait for saturday.

Surprisingly, the weekend comes by faster than he thought it would. Excitement clearly running through everyone's veins as they leave their last lecture of the day. Walking out of his class with liam next to him, keeping up the smaller boys pace as he keeps asking him what Louis is going as and the cheeky smile gracing the blue eyed boys lips was annoying liam to the fullest but also making him extremely happy. Seeing his best friend with a true smile on has made his day better than any party could.

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