Tell me you love me and kiss me in the rain.

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Louis William Tomlinson

"Okay. Deep breath louis" talking to himself as he begins to write his paper for his English assignment. Typing out the question 'When do you think time moves the slowest?' Which in his opinion is kind of fucking stupid but it's English so it makes sense. As he begins to type he back tracks about eight different times and eventually slams his head down on his desk. Head hitting the keys of his laptop. Surprisingly comfortable, or maybe he is just that bored that he could seriously fall asleep anywhere at this point.

His phone beeping causes his head to lift up, a text: "hey lou!!!!!!! I missed you this week. See you tomorrow." Smiling as he reads the text from Harry about ten times over before shutting it off and hoping out of the chair. Fuck English.

Striding through his bedroom door and into the bathroom, turning the shower on hot. He strips his clothes down to his boxers and cleans his teeth while he waits for the steam to fill the bathroom. The hot water burning his skin, turning it red as he lets it help him relax.

"Fuck sake. Mother-" rubbing his eye back and forth over and over after the shampoo gets into it. Harry left his here, refused to use anything that isn't 'pretty' smelling. Apparently his curls need to be treated immaculately and smell like a 'pine needle forest. "Pine needle forest. Fucking Harry I swear to god."

Wrapping the towel around his waist he scurries back to room trying to ignore the cold air hitting it skin as he passes through the hallway.  Chucking on underwear and calling it a night as he collapses onto bed. Alarm forgotten about as he instantly shuts his eyes and lefts himself sleep.

The banging on the front door, he pretends doesn't exists as he rolls over and clings closer to the wall. His covers practically swallowing him as he drags his hand over his face before relaxing back into bed.

The heavy foot steps coming up the stairs, just in his dreams as the door wings open and someone he hardly recognising comes bursting into the room. Smiling.

No. This has to be a dream, rubbing his eyes as he blinks over at the boy stood there now smirking at how little Louis looks surrounded by all his blankets and his small soft toy collection.

"No" closing his eyes, hoping it's a dream. "No. You're not Harry. No." The freshly cut hair no longer framing his face as he smiles, no longer tickling his own neck when it's down. "noooo Harry why?" The whining Louis let's out as he pulls himself up to stand on the bed in front of Harry.

Gripping his hair and pulling it around to mess it up. Clearly styled and ready for school, no Louis doesn't think he deserves to have it all pretty anymore.

"Leave. I don't know you." Smiling sarcastically Louis lays back down and flips over onto his tummy and buries his head deep into his pillows. Just a dream Louis. 

"No! No Harry" the feeling of someone pinching his feet and slowly making his way up closer to his sides, he can't help but let out a ridiculous giggle. That has Harry smiling larger than ever.

Leaning forward to kiss his baby on the cheek, and basically his entire face before pulling him up into his lap sideways. "We have school, come on now." Picking him up and carrying a stubborn Lou to the wardrobe before picking out an outfit for him, making sure to grab a jumper of his own, Harry turns around and pulls it over his head once Louis has his top on. Smiling wide as it covers him fully.

"All done" another sarcastic smile thrown Harry's way as Louis strides past him towards the steps. Unable to make it too far as Harry skips a little to catch up before lifting him up around his waist and kissing his neck in pecks. The laughter that comes from both of them makes Jay wonder out from the kitchen to smile at the boys.

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