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happy pride month <3

Harry has always been one to be himself and encourage others to do the same as well, taking pride in who you are has always been a huge belief for him. His mum always taught him to be himself and not let anyone tell him otherwise. 

So every year, when the pride parade takes place he becomes the most excitable, bouncy person ever, almost as if he were a puppy, and makes sure to get an outfit, jewellery and makeup to make himself look as colourful as possible. He wakes up at ungodly hours to start his day making sure he looks perfect. Using face paint and small brushes to get the desired, intricate rainbow effect he's going for, only the brightest highlighter gently littering his cheeks and the tip of his nose. Pink, yellow and blue heart stickers over his nose and cheeks and a huge smile covering his face the whole time. 

He loves being able to express himself all the time but this one day, which should be everyday, makes him feel safe and knowing that there is such a huge community that will come together and celebrate being able to love who you love, makes Harry's smile so huge his dimples deepen in his cheeks. 

Finishing up his look, wearing a pair of cuffed, light blue denim jeans, his old torn apart vans, on which he replaced the laces with rainbow ones of course, an unbuttoned floral shirt with a plain white tee underneath and accompanied by a multitude of beautiful rings, his necklace and a colourful bandana. 

Readying himself he takes one last look in the mirror and smiles, today he couldn't see the weary boy behind the smile, the one that lives in the back of his mind worrying what other people will think, this boy he's looking at now is happy and ready to meet new people and have a fun day. Getting up and grabbing his things, putting an extra rainbow sticker in his pocket just in case, he leaves his flat.

Louis' scared and his hands are shaking, the nerves taking over him as he looks towards the t shirt on this bed, a simple baseball tee with skull hands connecting a rainbow between. He's fucking terrified, never having been one to be so open about his sexuality. It's not that he's ashamed he just doesn't want to label himself and the thought of being forced to, well, it makes him want to be sick.  

He's worried about today, he's not a huge fan of groups either which really does not help but he wants to go and try and find some people he can feel comfortable around. He's still a uni student and completely unsure of what he wants to do with his life at the moment, he's really trying to make his family proud, even if they tell him they're proud of him all the time he just doesn't feel it.

Maybe he just wants to feel proud of himself and to achieve something in his life but at the same time he would honestly rather curl up in bed and never have to talk to anyone again. Throwing away the negative thoughts he goes to put on the t shirt, his hands sweating but he manages to get it over his head and turns to look in the mirror, his hair a fluffy mess over his forehead but also somehow sticking up in places it really shouldn't be, however he isn't really focusing on his hair so he just leave it as is. Thoughts running wild in his head as he stares at his figure, his ripped black jeans hugging his curves and the t shirt sitting nicely on his frame, he wants to take it off. His hands move before he can even decide what to do and they reach for the plain black long sleeve on the bed and he throws it over his head, covering the other one. 

Letting out a breath he grabs his stuff and makes sure his door is locked before he can turn back around, he heads towards the music, colours and smiles. 

Harry is chatting with a young lesbian couple, Aubrey and the other name he did not catch, he's had a tiny bit to drink, he looks up from them for a second and catches a figure manoeuvring their way through the crowd, head down looking way to overwhelmed for this many people. Harry excuses himself and jogs to catch up with the person and when he does they have both managed to get out of the main crowd and he seems them sat on a bench. 

Harry being the clumsy thing he is trips when he gets a bit close, over the foot of the bench person is sat on, and instead of grabbing their shoulder to get their attention, he is now bent over, one hand on the seat the other on his own hip, all while lightly giggling to himself. 

"oops" was the first thing he can think to say when a pair of bright blue eyes look his way.

Smiling a little louis responds with a simple "hi" adding an "are you okay?" now showing the stranger his worry for him.

"yes, yes I'm okay thanks. You'd be surprised with how often this happen." Looking directly at the blue eyes he continues, "anyways, sorry to pop up like this, I saw you walking and I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I'm a worrier sorry." Giving his best smile to him he points to the bench silently asking him if he can sit and gets a nod in response.

"I'm fine just not big on crowds" tugging at the end of his long sleeve, a nervous habit, "I'm Louis" sticking out his hand for the man to shake. 

"Harry, nice to meet you." looking into Louis' eyes Harry's brain and mouth stop working together and apparently instead of thinking he says, "You have really pretty eyes, you'd look cute wearing eyeliner, I have some on me if you want to try it." 

Cringing he looks away from the piercing blue gaze and at his scuffed shoes. Until he hears a quiet laugh and looks to see louis smiling. "only if you put it on for me yeah?" 

Harry smiles back and reaches into his pocket to pull out the eyeliner, along with it the rainbow sticker falls to the floor, unnoticed by harry of course but Louis sees it and picks it up and holds onto it.

"okay come a bit closer, I'm just gonna put some on your waterline to start with, so keep your eyes open for me please." moving closer, Louis looks directly at harry and smiles, a real genuine smile. This is the kind of person he wanted to meet. A beautiful kind soul with a pretty smile and stupid feet that don't coordinate with a brain. 

Harry takes his hand and rests it on Louis' face to make sure he doesn't mess up, he's so concentrated he fails to see the smile sinking it's way onto the blue eyed boys lips. 

"All done" pulling back to look at both eyes, harry lets a soft "pretty" slip from his mouth.

"Thanks love. I was a bit scared to come today but you're really cute so I'm definitely glad I did." Louis being cheeky just to see the blush spread across the boys flustered cheeks and nose, like he said, cute. 

Smiling at each other, Harry stands up and sticks out his hand for Louis to take, "If you're still a bit scared, at least this way you know I'll be with you so you'll be okay." 

Louis goes to take his hand and remembers the sticker he picked up, "You dropped this by the way" he hands it over with a smile.

The curly haired boy picks it out of his hand and peels of the back, leaning forward wearily he looks at the beautiful blue eyes with an unsaid question, which Louis nods to, placing the small sticker just under the shorter boys left eye and high on his pretty cheekbones. 

"Perfect." Blushing a bit louis takes Harry's hand and they smile at one another before strolling back to the crowd.

Louis knows he may not have been brave enough to wear the shirt he brought but he knows he's brave enough to follow harry where ever he desires to go.


hiiiii, happy pride. I'm just here to say that you can love who you want to love and be who you are cause you are loved and you are beautiful and you are valued for exactly who you are. Be yourself and never be ashamed of that ever. Embrace all your little differences because they're the things that make you who you are. Never forget how much you mean and how much you're worth. <3

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