more than the sun loves the sky

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The delicate caress of finger tips, tickling the visible skin of Louis' back, as he lays flat on his stomach. The clicking of the fan that spins above their bed creating a peaceful breeze that gives them an excuse to cuddle even closer to one another than they normally would. Their bare skin hidden underneath a thin sheet they placed over themselves, fingers reaching higher as they begin to softly rub over his neck and pull gently on the hair that reaches just below his ears. 

Harry slowly starts pinching the skin of the tired boys jaw and slides his body closer, The taller boys stomach now pressed against Louis' side as he still refuses to move to stare up at his husband, too comfortable in the placement he is in, trying to make the most of it before the inevitable interruption. 

"Baby, I know you're awake. I wanna have a moment before-" the sound of the door swinging open holts Harry's speech and little feet padding along the floor, followed by the click of paws that hold up their very large, very cute, ridiculous puppy, fill the room.  

A squeal and a, "dada" is spoken when their son realises they're awake. Well Harry is awake and Louis is alive. That doesn't seem to stop him from jumping onto the bed and right on top of the blue eyed boys back. Their dog, banjo, following quickly and licking the entire expanse of Harry's face causing him to let out a groan and a chuckle then a small, "well good morning bub."

Groaning, Louis turns his head towards his family and quickly flips himself over, weary of his baby, and drags himself up the bed so he can rest along the headboard with their son, tigger, laying on his chest. He turned four a few weeks ago and there is still birthday decorations hanging around the house. You can't blame them mind, they're getting old and want to sleep. 

"Oh so you get up for him huh?" Louis turning his head over towards the questioning voice of his husband to see a grin spreading over his cheeks, dimples dipping in them and crinkles by his eyes. "and here I was thinking you loved me as much." Sighing and rolling his eyes at Harry's words, he leans forward and places a sweet, love filled, kiss on his pouting lips and smiles softly against them. 

"I love you, precious. More than the sun loves the sky." Harry leans closer to Louis after hearing his words to kiss him again but a little hand is placed over his puckered lips and a distinct but quite, "what about me?" Is heard from their boy placed over the older man's lap. The sass making him seem like a little louis.

"What about you mister?" The cheeky giggle that falls from Tiggers lips completely resembles Harry's own but the lips that made them are identical to Louis'. Along with his eyes. The brightest blue eyes he could've gotten. "I want my morning kissy dada!" Pursing his lips as Harry leans forward to let his son kiss his cheek and then turning his head to give his dad access to kiss him back. He then leans up and kisses Lou's nose which causes him to wrinkle and his hands to wander down to tickle his childs sides. 

The little squeals leaving his mouth as he wriggles his way out of his daddy's arm and towards his dada's. Harry scoops him up and hides him under arms while banjo goes crazy over the laugh and starts tongue attacking Louis. Loud laughs now leaving all of them as they wake up way too early to have this extra family time in the morning before having to go to work and about their day separately. The worst part of the day is having to say goodbye in the morning. They always drop off Tigger a little bit early so they can go home for thirty minutes and say goodbye to each other without the extra rush of having to get their son ready for nursery. 

Coughing to clear his throat Louis reaches his hand over to run it through both harry's and Tigger's hair after messing it up with sleep and tickle fights. "Up we go then, got to start the day my darling's."

Tigger jumps down off the bed and Banjo follows suit, making both husbands smile at the little, inseparable duo. 

"Good morning, handsome." Louis says just as he does every morning. Making Harry smile unbelievably wide and reciprocating with a "Good morning, sweetheart." That nickname forever making lou's heart, beat a little faster and cheeks heat up with a slight pink tinge. Always something that makes Harry smirk and chuckle and lean forward to kiss them both gently while holding them between his bear paws he calls hands, not that louis ever complains.

"You know early morning sex is said to make days so much better, we-" Louis clamping his small hands over his dirty minded husbands lips before he can say anymore. The blue eyed man adds, "We had sex last night at like one, technically, that is early morning sex." He removes his hands and almost regrets it when he sees his idiot husband open his mouth, but out comes an "That was early morning love-making baby. It only counts as sex if i make you scream and since Tigg came, you've been holding back." Continuing, just for the sake of making his pretty lou blush, "I remember all the screaming you used to make darling. My name always sounds so pretty coming out of your mouth." 

Okay so yes Harry is a sucker for his pliant little husband but knowing he is getting a rise out of him, he is about to keep going to see how much teasing it takes for him to call out of work so they can just spend the whole day, alone in bed together. However, the second before he re opens his mouth the door swings wide open again and instinctively both of them reach down to grab the douvete at the end of the bed to cover themselves just a little bit more, a private laugh shared between the two. 

A stomp on the ground makes both their heads slowly turn towards the noise, which is obviously their baby, who is holding a spatula between his little hands, meaning he wants his dada to make him pancakes. Not hearing any response he shakes the utensil and mutters a small "please" with a smile. 

Grabbing his sweats from besides the bedside, Harry pulls them up and quickly runs towards his boy and swings him up from the ground and upside down in his hold before spinning and walking into the kitchen.

Smiling, Louis gets up from bed and heads towards the dresser to pull out some clothes. Just a pair of black sweats and a t shirt that has a small heart on the pocket, embroidered by his husband a few years ago. 

Slipping into the kitchen he hears the sounds of Carly Simon flooding the room and then sees his favourite people in the world holding hands and dancing all silly while Harry sings and holds his baby on his own feet so he isn't all over the place. 

Not realising he was staring for so long, he snaps out after hearing a distinct, "come join us daddy!" His smile slipping into a small little triangle and striding over before taking harry's waist between his hands to twist along with them. 

"Take daddy's hands while dada makes your breakfast baby yeah?" placing the small hands in his husbands, Harry leads himself over to the stove and turns the music down just a little so he can hear the giggles being made by the two people that mean more to him than anything else. 

Banjo's bark interrupts them and Tigger lets go of louis and runs towards him, The smaller man sneaks up behind his husband and hugs him tight around his stomach. 

"I love you so much, my beautiful." Turning down the heat of the stove. Harry spins and lifts lou by his thighs before placing him onto the counter and holding his face. 

"I love you more than the sun loves the sky-" 

Louis continuing, "more than the moon loves the night time, more than the birds love the trees and more than the snow loves the mountains."

"More than anyone could ever dream, I love you to infinity." Sharing their smiles as they connect their lips in a love filled embrace. Wrapped in one another's arms. The only place they wish they could forever. With each other and not a care in the world. 

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