I'm scared because i love you

625 17 1

(Harry is older)

Waking up most mornings for Harry usually meant, snapping out of a daydream and lifting his body out of bed. Hardly sleeping, maybe 1 or 2 hours if he's lucky. Work piled up on his desk from all the company's trying to work with him. Ink less pens scattered everywhere, half of them in the bin the others messy over his desk and floor. The mostly empty bottle of whiskey he keeps tucked in his desk, adding it too his coffee when he needs. The only possible thing to keep him going is the giggles he can hear faintly coming from downstairs. Smile taking over his features, tired eyes no longer wanting to fall back to sleep.

He hops out of bed, drags on a pair of sweatpants and makes his way through his house and towards the precious sounds of laughter coming from the kitchen. Nothing can make him smile more this.

"Dada!" His four year old daughter. Spoon. Well obviously her name isn't spoon but her obsession with them when she was a baby made the nickname stick. Alice, her sweet giggles and smile as she runs up to her dad who heaves her into the air and onto his hip.

"Well good morning, my darling" speaking while he tickles her tummy, squirming to get out of his hold. "Morn dada!" Leaning up and pressing a sweet kiss on his forehead before he's putting her back into her chair.

"Morning louis, thanks for coming over so early, I didn't mean to keep you." His babysitter, well spoons. But also his, his smile is also the one other thing that can get him out of bed and make him feel that spark of elation he so dearly misses at times.

"Good morning sir! No worries also, you gave me a key, I didn't have to wait" his precious smile.

"Harry, Louis. How many times must I say" the way he speaks, soft just for them. Just for his life. At work he has to be unrelenting. People will push him if he doesn't keep up a stern demeanour. He's a fair boss, just wants to get the work done and treat everyone fairly. They don't need to know his personal life.

"Right, Harry" his smile could seriously light up the universe, in all honesty it does light up Harry's, makes his heart flutter just a little bit.

clearing his throat he goes to make his coffee but before he can grab out a cup, Louis' small hand comes into his eye line, holding one filled and hot all ready for him. Cant help the pounding of his heart as he takes it from his delicate hands with a smile and a small 'thanks Lou' turning away before taking a sip, heat rising to his cheeks. He's weak for him.

"Sir- Harry, sorry, I was wondering if you needed me to go shopping or anything for the house since you said you'd mentioned you might be in work later today?" Turning back to face him, his lips turned upward as Alice plays with his hands.

"That's not something I pay you to do Louis.You really don't need to-" "I'm okay with it! I like knowing you have food in the house." The simple statement makes Harry's heart flutter just a little louder in his ears than before. He really does care for the boy, his pretty smile and his perfectly blue eyes. The way he speaks and how runs his tongue over his lips before asking Harry anything. The way his body curves in all the perfect places, how his little tummy can sometimes been seen through his t shirt. How good he is with his daughter, how much he cares. Falling in love never felt so easy, in reality he's never felt more terrified.

"I get off of work earlier today actually, I was wrong, I'll come with you." The words spill out before he really has a chance to realise he, in fact, does not get off of work earlier today and actually has a meeting at 3 till 6. He is the boss though...

Internally shrugging his shoulders, he smiles when he sees Louis smile. Slowly bringing the cup up to his lips to take a sip without breaking eye contact.

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